China & Russia
Voice of America: Ian Bond: "The proposal to Ukraine to join NATO is still rather an attractive figure of speech"
10 October 2024
According to Ian Bond, the deputy director of the London-based Centre for European Reform, who spoke with the Russian service of the Voice of America, there is still a whole group of NATO countries, led by the United States, that are not sure that Ukraine should be granted full membership of NATO.
TRT World: Can Ukraine maintain its gains from the incursion into Russia?
16 August 2024
Ian Bond, deputy director of the CER spoke to TRT World about Ukraine's incursion into Russian territory.
The Spectator Podcast - Coffee House Shots: Can Lammy charm Trump?
09 May 2024
Charles Grant spoke on the Spectator podcast about David Cameron, David Lammy, Donald Trump and China.
CGTN: Charles Grant: Unlike US, EU cares about what China does
01 May 2024
CER director Charles Grant unravels the complexities between China, the US and the EU, exploring divergent interests and perspectives.
CNBC: China sees the EU as a potential partner in a multipolar world
07 December 2023
Charles Grant, director at the Centre for European Reform, discusses EU-China relations on CNBC.
West underestimated importance of rule of law in Russia - former British ambassador to Latvia
09 November 2023
The Baltic Times
In the 1990s, the West missed several opportunities to push Russia in a different direction, primarily by focusing too much on Russia's economic transformation and underestimating the importance of the rule of law.
Britanski diplomata za N1: Čini se kao da narod u Rusiji voli Vagnerovce
27 June 2023
Bivši britanski ambasador u Letoniji i ekspert za postsovjetski prostor Ijan Bond izjavio je u emisiji Global fokus da je predsednik Rusije Vladimir Putin mnogo ranjiviji nego što se mislilo,
Newstalk: The Wagner group is posing the biggest ever threat
26 June 2023
Speaking to Joe on the show this morning was Ian Bond a former diplomat and now director for foreign policy at the CER.
BBC Newsnight: Cost of Ukraine reconstruction
19 June 2023
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the CER says "Lawyers differ on this, but there are at least precedents for state assets being taken and used for other purposes."
Principles for Europe's relations with Russia after the war
11 June 2023
Sooner or later, Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine will end. What Western governments don’t know is what kind of Russia they will be dealing with at that point.
CER podcast: What is the EU's China policy?
26 April 2023
In this week's episode of the CER podcast Ian Bond and Camino Mortera-Martinez discuss the EU's elusive China policy.
Navigating Europe’s southern challenges
30 March 2023
European View
The EU’s foreign policy is currently focused on supporting Ukraine in resisting Russian aggression and on dealing with the consequences of the war, particularly in terms of energy security.
After a year of Russia's war on Ukraine, has the West learned the right lessons?
24 February 2023
There’s been a lot of talk in the last year about the Russian army’s inability to learn from its disastrous performance in Ukraine.
CER podcast: One year of war in Ukraine
24 February 2023
In this week’s episode of the CER podcast Ian Bond discusses the Ukraine-Russia war with Sir Richard Shireff & Dr Olesya Khromeychuk
BBC World Business Report: New EU sanctions for Russia?
15 February 2023
Zach Meyers, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform BBC World Business report about the effectiveness of sanctions against Russia (from 2.00 mins).
TRT World: Why is Germany reluctant to throw its support behind Ukraine?
17 January 2023
Pressure is mounting on Germany to send Leopard tanks to Ukraine. Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform, talks about why Berlin is hesitating to throw its support behind Kiev.
Feel free to talk to China about Ukraine, but don't expect miracles
15 December 2022
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and President of the European Council Charles Michel have both taken the long flight to Beijing to meet Xi Jinping recently.
CER podcast: The implications of Russia's war against Ukraine
15 December 2022
In this year’s final episode of the CER podcast, our researchers unpack the most significant event of the past year, Russia’s war on Ukraine.
Judy Asks: Are France and Germany wavering on Russia?
08 December 2022
Carnegie Europe
It would be wrong to say that France and Germany are wavering on Russia; the problem is that while they condemn Russian aggression and offer support to Ukraine, they struggle to see Putin’s regime as it really is.
Doomsday watch podcast: Putin's mobilisation gamble
01 October 2022
As Putin announces a military mobilisation and Russian men flee for the border, is his gamble of extra troops set to pay off on the battlefield? Ian Bond of the Centre for European Reform joins to discuss the Kremlin's call-up, and increasing nuclear sabre-rattling.