Britain & EU member-states

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The EU is changing – and the UK attitude to Brexit could change too

03 September 2017
The New Statesman
The people running the EU have always wanted it to be uniform.

BBC Radio 4 Today: Brexit negotiations

01 September 2017
Charles Grant speaks to John Humphreys about the Brexit negotiations (from 1h 34m).

Tok FM: The Brexit negotiations

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
31 August 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talks to Tok FM about the third round of Brexit negotiations.

BBC World Service Newshour: How are the Brexit negotiations going?

31 August 2017
Veteran Europe watcher Charles Grant, Director of the Centre for European Reform, assesses the state of Brexit negotiations as the third round of talks ends.

The Express: Trump won't sign UK trade deal until President is certain Brexit will succeed

25 August 2017
The US President will be advised to wait before finalising a new trade deal with the UK after Brexit, according to Charles Grant director of the CER.

If the German left want to succeed, it must offer more than Merkel's status quo

Christian Odendahl
18 August 2017
The Guardian
The German elections on 24th September are bound to be boring. Polls show Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU/CSU) leading the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) by 15 percentage points.

Ekspert: okres przejściowy sprzyja miękkiemu Brexitowi

15 August 2017
Onet Biznes [Poland]
Zawarcie w planach brytyjskiego rządu okresu przejściowego, w którym zachowane byłyby obecne przepisy dotyczące ceł, wskazuje na sukces zwolenników tzw. miękkiego Brexitu - ocenił w rozmowie z PAP John Springford z CER.
Philip Hammond and Liam Fox's Brexit transition plan is a pipe dream

Philip Hammond and Liam Fox's Brexit transition plan is a pipe dream

14 August 2017
The Guardian
The deal sketched out by the international trade secretary and the chancellor is one the EU could never agree to. Why did they go public with it?

No Britain, no missiles! EU has 'lot riding on' working with UK - ex-Macron defence aide

Francois Heisbourg
14 August 2017
The Express
Europe has a "lot riding on" securing continued defence co-operation with Britain after it has left the EU, the former advisor to French president Emmanuel Macron Francois Heisbourg has said in a CER podcast.

Newsnight: The customs union

14 August 2017
Charles Grant speaks to Newsnight about the customs union, and what the UK is hoping to negotiate (from 5.05 mins).

Tok FM: Brexit - czy rząd brytyjski ma opracowaną strategię?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
04 August 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talks to Tok FM about the UK government and if it has developed a Brexit strategy.
Simon Tilford

Sky News: UK lacking in preparation for the Brexit negotiations

Simon Tilford
18 July 2017
Simon Tilford speaks with Sky's Ian Brady on the EU's frustration with Britain over its lack of preparation for the Brexit negotiations.

CER podcast: Brexit negotiations: Players and process on the EU side

Sophia Besch, Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
17 July 2017
Sophia Besch talks to Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska about the role of the European Commission, the member-states, the European Parliament and the ECJ in the Brexit talks.

BBC Radio World at One: EU first

Simon Tilford
14 July 2017
Simon Tilford speaks to 'The World at One' about Emmanuel Macron and his priorities (from 15:27mins).
Germany's labour reforms may not deserve their fame

Germany's labour reforms may not deserve their fame

13 July 2017
Germany's start-of-the-century labour reforms are getting a lot of attention these days, both as the cure-all for the country's previous economic woes and as the culprit behind inequality.

The myth of the German jobs miracle

11 July 2017
Financial Times
Christian Odendahl is one of the finest analysts of the German economy writing in English. So it’s worth your time to closely read his review of the country’s labour market reforms of the early 2000s, sometimes called “Agenda 2010” or the “Hartz Reforms”.

Tok FM: Rola instytucji europejskich w negocjacjach z Wielką Brytanią

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
06 July 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talks to Tok FM about her lateste CER publication 'Brexit maze: The role of EU institutions in the negotiations'.

Euronews: Falling pound, border fears and a frightened workforce

23 June 2017
Charles Grant speaks to Sophie Claudet of Euronews on the new proposal allowing EU citizens that have been living in the UK for five years to stay (from 08.45).

The 10 Brexit compromises Theresa May won't talk about

19 June 2017
The Guardian
Neither Theresa May nor Jeremy Corbyn said much about the substance of the Brexit negotiations during the election campaign.

May wanted a mandate for a hard Brexit. Now Europe expects a softer tone

11 June 2017
The Observer
Prime minister's crumbling authority offers a new chance for compromise – and the EU could scale back its demands.