
Comment le commerce extérieur britannique a encaissé le choc du Brexit

14 July 2021
Les Echos
Pour l’heure, il est encore difficile d’isoler les effets de la pandémie et de la sortie du marché unique. Pour y parvenir, le Centre for European Reform, un think tank à tendance pro-européenne, a bâti un indicateur permettant de comparer les importations et les exportations britanniques avec celles d’un panier de pays comparables, sélectionnés par un algorithme parmi 22 économies développées (Etats-Unis, Canada, Nouvelle-Zélande, Allemagne Suisse et Portugal).

Why the European Union is a less-than-jolly green giant

14 July 2021
The Economist
Slashing emissions is a rotten problem for the officials, politicians and diplomats who must solve it. The costs come now and the benefits are reaped only in a generation, points out Elisabetta Cornago of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank. 

Europe’s manufacturers fear landmark carbon import tax may do more harm than good

Sam Lowe
13 July 2021
"My advice is to mount a huge diplomatic push to assuage the concerns of third countries", says Sam Lowe, trade expert at the Centre for European Reform, who expects the EU may end up at least altering its carbon border tax following a likely challenge.
He worries a CBAM could trigger a new bout of trade disputes at a time when the international rules-based trading system has come under heavy fire.

CER podcast: How well will the UK's European diplomatic strategy work?

Ian Bond, Luigi Scazzieri, Georgina Wright
09 July 2021
Ian Bond speaks to Luigi Scazzieri and Georgina Wright about EU-UK diplomatic co-operation and the ways both parties can work together in foreign and security policy.

Europe's carbon push stokes backlash fears

09 July 2021
"A carbon price is the most efficient way to encourage businesses and households to cut emissions," said Elisabetta Cornago, research fellow at the Centre for European Reform in Brussels, adding that such policies should aim to redistribute any revenues generated to low-income households.

Climate policy will be a casualty of this decade of bungling

08 July 2021
The Spectator
Elisabetta Cornago and Sam Lowe at the Centre for European Reform have taken a deep dive into the CBAM proposals - and see lots of problems.

Why new post-Brexit ‘UKCA’ standard is proving such a headache for industry

Sam Lowe
08 July 2021
Financial Times
At the moment, as Sam Lowe, the trade expert at the Centre for European Reform, explains, this is essentially a duplicative process because UK standards follow EU standards in the “vast majority of cases”.  

Why Europe’s payments champion should innovate, not imitate

07 July 2021
Several European banks announced last year they would create a European version of Visa and Mastercard, called the European Payment Initiative.

Can the UK's new European diplomatic strategy work?

06 July 2021
Since it left the EU, the UK has been vigorously trying to emphasise the purported benefits of Brexit. In foreign policy, this has meant trying to present itself as more agile and effective than the EU.

Europe faces sceptical globe with carbon border levy

05 July 2021
The WTO grants preferential treatment to developing countries, as does the EU with arrangements for the poorest states. If they do not extend to the CBAM, charges could hit $16 billion of developing country exports to the EU, the Centre for European Reform think-tank says.

UK move to protect steel industry at risk of WTO challenge

Sam Lowe
04 July 2021
Financial Times
Sam Lowe, trade expert at the Centre for European Reform, said the TRA’s ruling against extending the safeguards “could certainly be part of a country’s challenge at the WTO”.  However, he pointed out that such challenges “took ages”, while Truss’s decision only extends the tariffs on the five additional categories by a further year.

The best way to reset UK-Germany relations would be a change of government in London

02 July 2021
The New Statesman
As a new paper by Luigi Scazzieri of the Centre for European Reform notes, Germany and the UK signed a “Joint Vision Statement” on security in 2018; they are both part of the “Northern Group” of states around the North and Baltic seas; along with France they comprise the “E3” states crucial to the Iran nuclear deal; German leaders among others have in the past contemplated the idea of a European Security Council that binds in the UK. 

EU confident holdout states will join global tax deal

02 July 2021
Law 360
The EU countries not signing the deal "pose a serious risk to implementing the [global] deal in the European Union," said Zach Meyers, a research fellow at the Center for European Reform. "This is because an EU-level directive will be needed to implement the deal and that directive would require unanimity, so it cannot be imposed on unwilling EU member states," he told Law360.

Bloomberg: Merkel-Johnson summit

02 July 2021
Charles Grant, director of the CER told Bloomberg TV that the UK and Germany's intertwined economies mean some co-operation has to take place

Covid pandemic masks Brexit impact on UK economy

01 July 2021
Financial Times
John Springford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform think-tank, said: “Generally, Covid has swamped the economic data making any comparisons difficult, so we cannot really disentangle the Brexit effect.”

UK unveils emergency legislation to protect domestic steelmakers

Sam Lowe
30 June 2021
Financial Times
Sam Lowe, trade expert at the Centre for European Reform, said it was no longer possible for British ministers to point the finger at Brussels when it came to issues like trade or subsidy control.

Brexit: So close, yet so far…

30 June 2021
The Parliament Magazine
Despite current difficulties, the UK and the EU will, in the long run, forge closer economic and security ties, predicts Charles Grant.

Northern Ireland Assembly: Finance Committee

Sam Lowe
30 June 2021
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the CER spoke to the Northern Ireland Assembly Finance Committee on customs and the movement of goods (from 2:02).

Royal yacht or fishing trawler? Either way, even the royal family isn't interested

Sam Lowe
27 June 2021
The New York Times
“At the very most, it could be useful as a trade promotion tool,” said Sam Lowe, a trade expert at the Centre for European Reform in London. “But it won’t make even the tiniest difference to whether UK concludes a trade deal or not.”

La moraleja de las salchichas de Johnson

Camino Mortera-Martinez
27 June 2021
El Pais
Los grandes proyectos históricos necesitan, principalmente, políticos de Estado y planes estratégicos. Downing Street no tiene ni lo uno ni lo otro.