
Sanctioning Russia: A co-operative endeavour, not a competitive sport

22 March 2022
The West surprised many with its decisive response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, imposing an unprecedented set of economic sanctions on Russia.

UK economy feeling the pain a year on from Brexit

22 March 2022
International Banker
“A loss of 4-5% of GDP is a big deal,” wrote John Springford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform (CER), in a research note, agreeing with the OBR’s prediction. “Governments everywhere would leap on a policy that would raise GDP by 5%.” 

The data provisions in the EU's upcoming Big Tech law

22 March 2022
"Most of the studies leading up to the DMA recognize that gatekeepers' privileged access to data is a key reason why they have entrenched market power. There are legitimate concerns, too, that gatekeepers are withholding information from their business users to keep the market opaque," Zach Meyers, a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, said.

Ukraine crisis another nudge for joint EU bonds

Christian Odendahl
21 March 2022
Christian Odendahl, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform, sees the war, which Moscow calls a "special military operation", as a turning point of sorts for Europe, even if the road remains unclear. It would affect European "integration as much or more as the COVID crisis helped propel a joint fiscal capacity and borrowing, which were both unthinkable when corona was still a beer," Odendahl said.

Zelensky's mission: To shake Europe out of business as usual

Ian Bond, Elisabetta Cornago, Camino Mortera-Martinez, Luigi Scazzieri
18 March 2022
The Australian Financial Review
“As the conflict escalates, maintaining European and Western unity is likely to become more difficult – not least because Putin will try to undermine it in every way he can,” analysts at the Centre for European Reform wrote this week.“So far, support for Ukraine has seemed relatively risk-free for European publics. But Putin will do all he can to change this perception and curtail European military assistance to Ukraine.”

Unia Europejska dalej finansuje Putina. Dziurawe sankcje na Rosję

15 March 2022
Do Rzeczy
Działania UE są niespójne. Odcinamy Bank Rosji od rezerw dewizowych, ale codziennie wysyłamy tam 600–700 mln euro – podkreśla Zach Meyers, ekspert Centre for European Reform w Londynie. Ekspert podkreśla, że Zachód musi wprowadzić embargo na energię. Takie sankcje musiałyby być natychmiastowe, gdyż stopniowe embargo pozwoli Rosji znaleźć nowe rynki zbytu.

What would Russian WMDs mean for NATO's 'red lines'?

15 March 2022
Deutsche Welle
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform, told DW that, though such a scenario is implausible, it's not impossible. Given Stoltenberg's rhetoric, Bond said, it's likely "that the Russians are doing things that suggest they are preparing to launch that kind of attack somewhere.”But it's the "somewhere" that makes all the difference under the alliance's current posture. "NATO, rightly or wrongly, has drawn this bright red line that says we're not going to defend Ukrainian soil, but we will defend NATO soil," he said.

Solidaire, l’Union européenne gère sa plus grave crise migratoire

Camino Mortera-Martinez
11 March 2022
Le Figaro
Pour Camino Mortera, chef du bureau bruxellois du Centre for European Reform, les comparaisons n’ont pas lieu d’être. D’abord, «ce n’est pas une guerre comme les autres», mais une «menace à l’ordre international et la sécurité européenne». Cela se passe «à côté de chez nous, et pourrait se passer chez nous». 

United on Ukraine, EU tackles the devil in details at summit

10 March 2022
The Independent
“The chance of all member states agreeing to admit Ukraine while it is at war with Russia is virtually zero, as it could trigger conflict with Moscow,” said Luigi Scazzieri, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform.

EU lets down Ukraine: France and Holland lead the calls to DENY fast-track bid to join the bloc, with membership off the table for now

10 March 2022
The Daily Mail
'The chance of all member states agreeing to admit Ukraine while it is at war with Russia is virtually zero, as it could trigger conflict with Moscow,' said Luigi Scazzieri, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform.

United on Ukraine, EU tackles the devil in details at summit

10 March 2022
ABC News
“The chance of all member states agreeing to admit Ukraine while it is at war with Russia is virtually zero, as it could trigger conflict with Moscow,” said Luigi Scazzieri, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform.

Brexit in numbers - British exports lag advanced economies

10 March 2022
Financial Times
John Springford at the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank... says that comparing UK exports to the EU in 2019 and 2021 gives a false impression that things are somehow back to normal. They are not.
In a new paper for the CER, Springford compares the UK performance with our peers in the global trade arena and finds that the UK is underperforming badly when compared to these countries that have experienced a post-Covid export boom in 2021.

Waking a sleeping giant: What's next for German security policy?

Sophia Besch, Sarah Brockmeier
09 March 2022
War on the rocks
“If the world changes, our politics must change,” said German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock three days after Russia started a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

EU struggles to deepen unity on defence and energy

Sophia Besch
09 March 2022
Financial Times
“We’ve seen the almost total dependence of Europe on the US not just for troops but also for intelligence and general leadership in Nato,” said Sophia Besch, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform. “That’s a dependence that becomes more perilous as the US elections near. The EU is not going to be able to secure its own defence in the next two years.”

The EU does not need to reform Schengen. It needs to build back trust

Camino Mortera-Martinez
09 March 2022
The 9/11 attacks were a wake-up call for the West: no country could fight crime and terrorism alone.

CER podcast: Unpicking the EU’s rule of law conditionality mechanism

Camino Mortera-Martinez, John Morijn
08 March 2022
Camino Mortera-Martínez speaks to John Morijn about the EU's rule of law conditionality mechanism and the ECJ's ruling on it.

Interview with Zach Meyers: Can Russia be crushed without crushing Europe?

07 March 2022
AMI Magazine
We interviewed Zach Meyers, a senior research fellow at the CER, an independent think-tank that examines ways to make the European Union work better. Mr Meyers, in particular, has been examining issues related to economic decoupling, separating the economies of the European Union from outside economies.

Interview with Ian Bond: 'First Invasion in Europe since 1974'

06 March 2022
We haven’t seen anything like this in Europe since the 1974 Turkish invasion of Cyprus. The Russian invasion of Ukraine will force Europe’s leaders to think much more seriously about national defense.

Germany’s dramatic reversal on defense, explained

Sophia Besch
05 March 2022
“It’s really revolutionary,” said Sophia Besch, a Berlin-based senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform. “Scholz, in his speech, did away with and overturned so many of what we thought were certainties of German defense policy. He ticked off just one taboo after the next.”

EU half-awakening

04 March 2022
Financial Times
The EU’s recent leaps on common defence and sanctions against Russia are significant and have upended the bloc’s relationship with Moscow, with a phase of protracted “cold” confrontation coming up. However, the Centre for European Reform lays out why there are several reasons to be wary about claims of a “geopolitical awakening”.