Down so long that it looks like up
06 June 2013
The New York Times
"Policy-makers have a strong interest in the current strategy's appearing to work", said Simon Tilford of the CER. "Even the faintest glimmer of hope is interpreted as a sign of recovery." But Mr Tilford said it was clear that Europe was already trapped in the same kind of doldrums that becalmed Japan for several decades.
EU-Russia: Stale romance...
06 June 2013
The Voice of Russia (Radio)
We'll try to get a better understanding of why Russian-EU relations are running out of steam, and is the EU really likely to benefit from stirring ill feelings towards one of its biggest partners. We are discussing it with our guest speakers; Ian Bond, the Director of foreign policy at the CER, Eleonora Tafuro, Dmitry Suslov, and Dr Tatiana Romanova.
Unia Europejska krytyczna wobec Rosji
04 June 2013
A własność prywatna nie jest chroniona – tłumaczy „Rz" Ian Bond, ekspert Centre for European Reform w Londynie. UE wie, że tendencje w Rosji są bardzo niebezpieczne i w tej sprawie panują bardzo zbliżone poglądy. Skończył się czas głębokich podziałów w sprawach Rosji.
Eurozone retreats from austerity - but only as far as 'austerity lite'
30 May 2013
The Guardian
"I don't think anything has fundamentally changed in Europe as yet, although it probably will at some point. All they have done is take into account that when economies grow much more slowly there are obvious implications for tax revenues," said Simon Tilford of the CER.
Der Euro-Ausstieg liegt näher als wir denken
29 May 2013
Die Welt
"Die ungeheuren Konsequenzen eines Ausstiegs aus dem Euro haben bisher gegen einen solchen Schritt gesprochen", sagt Simon Tilford, Chefökonom am CER, einer Londoner Denkfabrik.
Tortuous EU move to arm Syria rebels highlights disunity
29 May 2013
Agence France Presse
"There is a strong case for training and equipping forces loyal to the Syrian National Coalition," said Ian Bond of the CER. "But there must also be a credible threat from leading NATO and Middle Eastern powers that they will launch military strikes against Assad's air and ground forces."
Ireland goes on offensive to counter US tax haven claims
28 May 2013
The Telegraph
"That was a blindside for Ireland Inc. because we always thought we were on the same page as Anglo-American capitalism. We thought it would stick up for us," said Hugo Brady, senior research fellow at the CER.
The EU's Court of Auditors: Europe's sleeping giant?
28 May 2013
Veteran EU watchers consider the Union's budget as unreformable: a ritualistic doling out of public money into the pockets of farmers, MEP's expense accounts and the salaries of EU officials.
The collapse of the carbon market
23 May 2013
Financial Times
In economic terms a carbon tax is clearly the most effective and simplest way of encouraging the shift to a low carbon economy. Of course the level of the tax matters. Stephen Tindale, in an excellent paper for the CER, suggests a floor price of 30 euros a tonne.
Les tensions s'avivent au sein de la "troïka"
21 May 2013
Le Monde
"Pour ces pays, c'est aussi scandaleux que d'imaginer les Etats-Unis réclamer l'aide du FMI pour sauver la Californie", pointe Simon Tilford du "think tank" européen, CER, basé à Londres. ... "C'est triste. Cela ne fait qu'accentuer l'euroscepticisme" conclut Simon Tilford.
Dublin fears rise in cross-border crime if UK opt out of EU rules
20 May 2013
Financial Times
"Police on both sides of the Irish Sea – as well as either side of the border – fear a return to the days when Ireland's supreme court would refuse extradition of terrorist suspects", says Hugo Brady of the CER.
Video interview on 'The working time directive'
20 May 2013
Katinka Barysch discusses her recent policy brief 'The working time directive: What's the fuss about?'. The working time directive has had limited impact on British business. It has caused trouble in hospitals partly because the NHS relies so heavily on junior doctors.
Thinking the unthinkable: Quitting a currency
19 May 2013
The Wall Street Journal
"Just the sheer enormity of quitting the euro has so far militated against a surge in support to leave," says Simon Tilford of the CER. Once people feel there is no light at the end of the tunnel, however, "we'll probably start to see a more open debate about the costs and benefits of remaining in the single currency," he says.
Europa desgarra a los 'tories'
18 May 2013
El Pais
Philip Whyte, investigador del CER, discrepa de esa visión. En un estudio titulado ¿Perjudican los vínculos europeos de Gran Bretaña su prosperidad? concluye que muchos de los argumentos económicos euroescépticos son "engañosos" y que los problemas de la economía británica "no tienen nada que ver con las cargas burocráticas de la UE".
Recession causes grief for Hollande on election anniversary
17 May 2013
The Globe and Mail
"France's economy stacks up well among European countries", says Simon Tilford of the CER. Economic growth has been better than most eurozone countries since the financial crisis; productivity is higher, as is foreign investment.
Euro crisis mires continent in longest slump since war
16 May 2013
The Wall Street Journal
"Financial markets have become more sanguine than a year ago, but the underlying problems of the euro zone haven't been fixed," said Simon Tilford, chief economist at the CER, a London-based think tank.
Coping with China's slowdown
16 May 2013
European Voice
Charles Grant, director of the CER, is certainly right when he says that EU negotiators have a poor record using their leverage as China's main trading partner in getting China "to do what they want", especially opening up its own markets to EU firms and combating intellectual property theft.
As Europe struggles, the Franco-German alliance turns testy
15 May 2013
The Christian Science Monitor
It’s also symbolically disconcerting for the identity of Europe. Hugo Brady of the CER, says that the breakdown is one of the biggest challenges the union faces today."If there isn't a France-German alliance, it’s the end of the Europe we’ve known for 50 years.”
Eurozone sets bleak record of longest term in recession
15 May 2013
Financial Times
"It’s pretty shocking data," said Simon Tilford, economist at the CER, a think tank. "The figures for Italy, Spain and France are very worrying ... There’s a very, very strong case for aggressive monetary relaxation across the eurozone now."
Britain could reshape Europe if it would only try
14 May 2013
Financial Times
Is there any point in Britain staying in the EU if it is outside the euro? No, according to increasing numbers of British eurosceptics and European federalists.