
Europe may not admit it, but its future is on the line in Greece

Simon Tilford
29 June 2015
The Washington Post
“Around the world, there’s a growing incomprehension that the Europeans have allowed something like this to spin out of control,” said Simon Tilford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform. “It could be very damaging to European credibility.”
In the long run, Tilford said, European officials are deluding themselves if they think that other vulnerable economies along Europe’s southern periphery will be protected from a fate similar to Greece’s.

Joschka Fischer "Ich bin ziemlich pessimistisch"

Joschka Fischer
29 June 2015
Frankfurter Allgemeine
Der frühere deutsche Außenminister Joschka Fischer warnt angesichts der Griechenland-Krise vor einem Scheitern Europas. "Ich bin ziemlich pessimistisch", sagte Fischer am Montagabend auf einer Veranstaltung der britischen Denkfabrik CER in London.

Greece debt crisis puts euro, European Union in peril

Simon Tilford
28 June 2015
The LA Times
"The objective of the euro was to deepen economic integration between member states, foster a closer common polity and European identity," said Simon Tilford, deputy director of the CER in London.

Radio 4 - Week in Westminster: Greek crisis and the eurozone

27 June 2015
Charles Grant speaks on the 'Week in Westminster' discussing the Greek crisis and the eurozone.

Greek financial crisis raises existential questions for EU

27 June 2015
NRC Handelsblad
Charles Grant director of the CER, said: "The German ministry of Finance is prepared to let the Greeks go; their idea being that it would leave the eurozone in a better shape."

China Central TV: EU at a crossroads

26 June 2015
Ian Bond is interviewed by China Central TV English service, along with Francois Godement of ECFR and George Tzogopoulos, on the Greek crisis in Europe.

Will Europe ever stop being a headache for David Cameron?

26 June 2015
The Telegraph
The PM is trying to please too many people who want very different outcomes.

Migration plan exposes EU rifts, tough bargaining ahead

Rem Korteweg
26 June 2015
Daily Mail
For Rem Korteweg of the CER, the summit was a setback for Europe. He cited migration, along with the Greek debt crisis, confrontation with Russia and British threats to leave as the "Four Horsemen" circling the summit. Forecasting "very heated" talks this summer as Italy urges its neighbours to meet the target, Korteweg said: "This damages the EU as a whole because it shows that solidarity is lacking and most member states don't want to share Italy's burden." 

Beware the four horsemen circling Europe: Greece, Russia, migrants and the Brexit

Rem Korteweg
25 June 2015
The Independent
Four horsemen are stalking Europe: the Greek financial crisis; illegal migration in the Mediterranean; Russian aggression; and Britain's reform-or-Brexit threat.

From menu of crises, Greece risks eating Europe's dinner

Rem Korteweg
25 June 2015
Rem Korteweg of the Centre for European Reform said: "Four horsemen ... are circling together and affecting each other."

Was Griechenland eigentlich braucht

Christian Odendahl
24 June 2015
Der sich abzeichnende Deal zwischen Griechenland und den Gläubigern ist politisch richtig, aber ökonomisch kontraproduktiv, sagt Ökonom Christian Odendahl. Eine langfristige Lösung für Griechenland und für Europa ist er nicht. Rein ökonomisch betrachtet: Ist es richtig, von Griechenland stärkere Einsparungen, eine Erhöhung der Mehrwertsteuer und eine Kürzung der Renten zu...

If David Cameron makes a passionate case for the EU, its leaders will help him

21 June 2015
The Observer
The prime minister must not dance to the tune of his backbenchers at the Brussels summit.

Greece and its creditors pummel each other, but fight is not over yet

Simon Tilford
19 June 2015
The New York Times
“They are trying to craft a narrative that will make it look like it’s not their fault,” said Simon Tilford, the deputy director of the Centre for European Reform in London.

Rise of far-right party in Denmark reflects Europe’s unease

Simon Tilford
19 June 2015
The New York Times
“We are in a new place, and people are right to be worried about the political direction,” said Simon Tilford of the CER.“The eurozone crisis, combined with outside trends like migration and globalization, has exposed the disconnect between domestic politics in many countries and EU politics.”

Europe faces tricky balancing act over its departing jihadists

Camino Mortera-Martinez
18 June 2015
Agence France Presse
"The systems to share information exist, but they are not always used," said Camino Mortera-Martinez of the Centre for European Reform think tank.
"There are very different parts of Europe and they don't necessarily trust each other. MI5 may not want to give information to Romania, for instance, because they are worried about corruption and information leaking out."A major sticking point has been sharing airline passenger information, which has been stalled since 2011 over concerns about data privacy.

Gästinlägg: Vad Grekland behöver

Christian Odendahl
18 June 2015
Ett avtal mellan Grekland och dess fordringsägare är fortfarande sannolikt. Vad landet verkligen behöver är emellertid en partiöverskridande överenskommelse om att förändra sina institutioner, en mindre restriktiv finanspolitik och löften om framtida skuldnedskrivningar, skriver Christian Odendahl, chefsekonom på tankesmedjan Centre for European Reform i detta gästinlägg. 
Förhandlingarna mellan Grekland...

Share Radio: Why TTIP negotiations face a slowdown

Rem Korteweg
16 June 2015
Rem Korteweg discusses the TTIP negotiations with Share Radio.

Drei Reformen, die Griechenland wirklich braucht

Christian Odendahl
16 June 2015
Süddeutsche Zeitung
Kommt der Grexit? Nein, ein Kompromiss ist wahrscheinlich. Der aber wird die grundlegenden Probleme der griechischen Wirtschaft nicht lösen. Was das Land jetzt braucht.

How Merkel may have bungled Greek rescue

Christian Odendahl
15 June 2015
"In the fall, the Germans thought they could also deal with Syriza because Syriza would face the same constraints as Samaras," said Christian Odendahl, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform. "They thought, 'if we get a new government, we can negotiate with them'."

France Culture: Bruxelles, et après ?

Camino Mortera-Martinez
14 June 2015
Interview de Camino Mortera-Martinez, chercheuse au Centre for European Reform, un think tank londonien. 
Le 14 juin 1985, les accords de Schengen étaient signés par les cinq Etat membres de la Communauté économique européenne d'alors. Ils sont entrés en vigueur en 1995 et 26 Etats dont 22 membres de l'Union européenne...