Five concurrent crises push Europe into the realm of chaos
27 September 2015
Financial Times
As Simon Tilford of the CER, recently argued, there is no way the eurozone will be able to shrug off the global downturn because its post-crisis recovery strategy rests on net exports. The eurozone is headed for a current account surplus of 3.5 per cent of gross domestic product this year.
A troubled euro needs a softer Germany
25 September 2015
The World Today: Chatham House
For those of us who think that the European Union is a good idea, the euro’s travails in recent years have been very trying. We had long assumed that the euro would encourage trade and investment across frontiers, thereby deepening the single market and boosting competition.
Judy Asks: Will the refugee crisis destroy the EU?
23 September 2015
Carnegie Europe
Every week, a selection of leading experts answer a new question from Judy Dempsey on the foreign and security policy challenges shaping Europe’s role in the world.
UE przegłosowała państwa Europy Środkowej
23 September 2015
Wirtualna Polska
"Sprawna prezydencja przewodząca Radzie szuka kompromisu i po głosowanie sięga dopiero wtedy, gdy nie da się go osiągnąć. I wydaje się, że prezydencja luksemburska starała się o kompromis do ostatniej chwili" - mówi Agata Gostyńska, analityk londyńskiego CER.
Polen er den tikkende bombe under EU's asylplan
23 September 2015
"Lov og Retfærdighedspartiet er ikke alene imod tanken om kvoter, partiet betragter faktisk hele kommissionens forslag som et angreb på polsk suverænitet", siger Agata Gostynska, der er ekspert i polsk europapolitik hos tænketanken CER i London.
EU ministers gather in hopes of ending rift over migrants
22 September 2015
Financial Times
“It is a real European problem: just looking at the geography makes that clear,” said Camino Mortera-Martinez at the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank. “But the sad thing is that many EU member states seem to be following just national logic.”
EU largely positive on Tsipras win
21 September 2015
Voice of America
Chief economist for the London-based Centre for European Reform Christian Odendahl says many observers aren’t surprised by the results. Now, he adds, comes the hard part.“The biggest issue that Tsipras will now [face] will be debt relief. He put it at the top of his agenda. But the problem is that the Europeans are not going to comprise much unless he tackles some of the tough reforms and austerity measures that have been agreed in the last deal,” Odendahl says.
Shock-resistant eurozone appears far off
17 September 2015
The Wall Street Journal
There are some ways to unblock the logjam. Rather than immediately force banks to hold significant capital on their holdings of government bonds, European regulators could set limits for how many bonds from one country a bank can hold, suggests Christian Odendahl, of the CER.
Fed's decision could pressure European Central Bank to step up stimulus efforts
17 September 2015
The Wall Street Journal
“There’s been this assumption in the eurozone that Americans would raise rates and the European economy would be able to rely on a strong US economy and a strong dollar,” said Simon Tilford of the CER.
Judy Asks: Should the West work with Russia on Syria?
16 September 2015
Carnegie Europe
Every week, a selection of leading experts answer a new question from Judy Dempsey on the foreign and security policy challenges shaping Europe’s role in the world.
Лейбористська трагедія
15 September 2015
Які ризики несе для Британії обрання Джеремі Корбіна лідером партії робітників.
The European walled-garden: What's the root cause? what's the solution?
14 September 2015
Open democracy
The EU expanded eastwards during the 90s and 00s did just the kind of thing we wanted: it was a force for openness that was making concrete policy to weaken the grip of the exlcuisve nation-stage.
German border-check move threatens Europe's frontier-free ideal
13 September 2015
"Schengen is the essence of the European Union," said Camino Mortera, a research fellow at the CER. "Other countries may follow suit - Hungary, for example, might think it would be a good idea - and you could say that if Schengen were to collapse it could mean the whole idea of the EU is no longer valid."
Hardline Hungary highlights split between East and West
13 September 2015
The Sunday Times
Camino Mortera-Martinez, a fellow at the CER, said Orban has a point: "Just as Hungary should not have built its fence without talking to others, the German announcement of the suspension of Dublin for Syrians is morally wonderful but has a pull factor that is dangerous for other states."
Por qué Europa sí necesita de los inmigrantes?
09 September 2015
El Tiempo
Además, no todos se quedarán. Casi la mitad vienen de los Balcanes y esos, en principio, serán devueltos a sus países. A corto plazo, supondrá un costo.
State of the Union: Europe in the last chance saloon, warns EU president Jean-Claude Juncker
08 September 2015
The Telegraph
He [Junker] first held ministerial office aged 28, and his strength is his longevity, according to Dr Rem Korteweg of the CER. He adds the slap-stick routine is an ice-breaker that disguises his political skill. "He knows all these individual leaders and their predecessors, and the predecessors of their predecessors. He is the grandfather of the eurozone."
'Brexit' by accident? Events risk overtaking PM Cameron
08 September 2015
"The more he [David Cameron] makes these concessions and the longer he delays clearly coming out for a 'Yes', the more that damages his reputation and credibility with his EU partners and the less likely they are to help him get a good deal," said Charles Grant, director of the CER.
Vijf mythes over het Britse referendum
07 September 2015
Internationale Spectator
De Britse premier David Cameron onderhandelt de komende maanden over het Britse EU-lidmaatschap. Medio volgend jaar volgt het EU-referendum. Nederland heeft belang bij het VK in de EU, maar Den Haag kan het proces maar beperkt beïnvloeden. Wat valt er te verwachten?
Merkel's migrant morality play
06 September 2015
Whether such pressures [estimated costs of handling refugees this year 10 billion euros] spark a backlash will depend on who is steering the debate, said Christian Odendahl of the CER. "Will it be determined by those who want to limit immigration or those who see a great economic opportunity if Germany becomes an Einwanderungsland?" he asked.
EU refugee crisis: End of an ideal
04 September 2015
Financial Times
In a 2012 report Hugo Brady, now an aide to European Council president Donald Tusk, called on European leaders to "snuff the fuse" lit under the Schengen endeavour. "Without more assertive political action and a fair amount of luck," he wrote for the CER.