FOCUS online: Nach Niederlage für May "Warne vor Optimismus": Experte erklärt, warum 2. Brexit-Referendum unwahrscheinlich ist
16 January 2019
Der geplante Brexit verläuft bis jetzt nur schleppend. Theresa Mays Abkommen fiel im Unterhaus krachend durch. Im Interview mit FOCUS Online erklärt der Politikwissenschaftler Leonard Schütte vom "Centre for European Reform", warum es nicht zu einem zweiten Referendum kommen wird. Es ist außerdem nicht sicher, dass die Briten bei einer erneuten Befragung anders entscheiden würden.
ERR: May's Brexit plans
16 January 2019
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform spoke to ERR Estonian public TV (from 5:05 mins).“As far as one can tell at the moment, Theresa May’s plan B is plan A again, only louder”.
Corbyn's no-confidence move lays bare Labour's Brexit divisions
16 January 2019
The Financial Times
“Labour’s strategy at the moment is to have a Brexit carried out by the Tories, where they take as little responsibility as possible for the implementation,” said Sam Lowe of the Centre for European Reform.
Extending Article 50 may mean Britain must elect MEPs again
16 January 2019
The Economist
As Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank, notes, it would also stop the reallocation of the 27 British seats, screwing up other countries’ polls.
Theresa May lives to fight another day. But for what?
16 January 2019
The Atlantic
“As things stand right now, the prospects for some sort of cross-party approach to try and find their way out of this mess are pretty meager,” John Springford, the deputy director of the London-based Centre for European Reform, told me. “It requires unprecedented cross-party work, which aren’t really in character for either [the opposition leader] Jeremy Corbyn or for Theresa May.”
Info Radio: "May wird die Abstimmung wohl krachend verlieren"
15 January 2019
Das britische Unterhaus soll über den von May mit der EU verhandelten Vertrag abstimmen. Beobachter halten eine Ablehnung für wahrscheinlich. Leonard Schütte, Politikwissenschaftler am Centre for European Reform, sagt, es hänge viel davon ab, wie hoch Mays Niederlage ausfallen wird.
May and Brexit face uncertain future after crushing defeat in parliament
15 January 2019
The New York Times
“She has completely lost control of the process, and her version of Brexit must now be dead, if she loses by 230 votes,” said John Springford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform, a London-based research institute.
In search of lost Brexit: How the UK repeatedly weakened its own negotiating position
14 January 2019
The New Statesman
In 2018 the British were obsessed with Brexit, but the rest of the EU had much else to worry about. Although the migration crisis abated, EU governments could not agree on how to handle irregular immigration.
What would a no deal Brexit mean for Britain?
14 January 2019
The Telegraph
Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform, is confident that if the crunch comes EU member-states will strike bilateral side-deals with the UK.
Tit for tat - Trade secrets
13 January 2019
Financial Times
Sam Lowe, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, joins us for three blunt questions.
How Remainers should handle . . . remaining
10 January 2019
The Financial Times
As Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform tweeted: “We’ll be horribly divided for a generation whether or not we have 2nd ref.”
Brexit and the Irish border explained: Why the headache is not going away any time soon
10 January 2019
The Telegraph
Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief negotiator, made precisely the same point - in the opposition direction. “There will be no ambitious partnership without common ground in fair competition, state aid, tax dumping, food safety, social and environmental standards,” he told a conference in Brussels organised by the UK-based Centre for European Reform think-tank.
How Brexit will play out if MPs reject Theresa May's deal
10 January 2019
Business Insider
The alternative is an acrimonious and very hard exit with the UK paying no money and the EU rejecting side-deals. However, such an outcome is unlikely according to Charles Grant at the Centre for European Reform, who believes "those responsible for the chaos would soon become unpopular with their voters; also, the financial markets' reaction would be more extreme, with a sharp weakening in the value of the pound."
Italy corrals allies to fight EU. Just don't mention Putin
09 January 2019
“Rightist groups in the European Parliament haven’t managed to work well together,” said Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform. “They’re against globalization and free trade. But they’re divided on immigration with parties in western Europe favoring resettlement quotas, and eastern Europeans against them.”
Brexit is coming down to a game of brinkmanship
09 January 2019
The New York Times
“We won’t get to the endgame until one or other of the options for Brexit are eliminated,” said Charles Grant, director of the Centre of European Reform, a research institute, “and maybe not until March.”
Monocle podcast: The Globalist- The European Parliament's elections
09 January 2019
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to the Monocle about a possible alliance between Salvini and Kaczynski in the European Parliament’s elections (from 17:15 mins).
BBC Radio 4 - Today programme: Free trade negotiations
09 January 2019
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform (from 2:24), speaks to the Today programme discussing the complexities of post-Brexit tariffs.
Brexit 'has made other countries less likely to leave the EU' - expert claims
08 January 2019
Yahoo News
A leading EU expert has argued that Brexit has made it less likely that other countries will leave the Union. Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, believes the protracted debate and the problems encountered by Theresa May in gathering support for her deal will have “put off” other countries from following suit.
Brexit negotiations in the field of defence: Lessons learnt and moving forward
08 January 2019
Federal Academy for Security Policy
It is clearly in Britain and the European Union’s mutual interest to continue working closely together on defence after Brexit.
Food prices will go up, not down, after a no-deal Brexit – despite what Jacob Rees-Mogg says
07 January 2019
Could Brexit mean cheaper food on our supermarket shelves? The idea has been propagated by politicians such as Jacob Rees-Mogg and business people like JD Wetherspoon’s owner Tim Martin, who promised lower prices in his “Beermat Manifesto”.