New Brexit deadline: But but but …
25 November 2019
Politico London Playbook
Trade experts say that if Johnson sticks to his plan of a trade deal removing tariffs but little else, he may end up needing more time. “There will still need to be an extension of the status quo for a while longer, whether it’s called a transition extension or not, because otherwise when you move from status quo to free trade agreement, you create an overnight cliff-edge scenario similar to no deal,” the Centre for European Reform’s Sam Lowe tells Playbook.
Boris Johnson's 'diplomatic amateurism' will lead to a no-deal Brexit, warns ex-ambassador Sir Ivan Rogers
25 November 2019
The Telegraph
“If Mr Johnson wants something 'soft' then that does get complicated,” said Sam Lowe of the Centre for European Reform. “But so long as we’re talking about an FTA, then we are talking about a hard Brexit not far removed from no deal.”
Tory manifesto leaves door open to no-deal Brexit
24 November 2019
Financial Times
However, trade analysts remain sceptical. Sam Lowe, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform think-tank, said that negotiating free trade deals while finalising the EU relationship would be “incredibly difficult”, as other countries would want clarity on that key relationship first. “A trade agreement with US is tricky regardless,” said Mr Lowe, thanks to the relative unpopularity in the UK of US president Donald Trump, and the typically aggressive US approach to trade talks.
Il problema di Milano e delle altre
24 November 2019
Il Post
Lo scorso maggio, il Centre for European Reform ha pubblicato un rapporto in cui viene fatto un esercizio simile per l’Europa. Quello che emerge è un continente dove le differenze tra una regione e l’altra sono sempre più profonde. Anche nei paesi più ricchi, dimostra il rapporto, ci sono “aree interne” in cui la produttività è sotto la media europea, mentre i paesi meno sviluppati hanno regioni con al centro una grande città con una produttività al livello della media europea.
Alemania y el sacrosanto ‘schwarze null’
24 November 2019
El Pais
Christian Odendahl, economista jefe del Centre for European Reform, considera que “Alemania no ha invertido lo suficiente en los últimos 15 años”. Frente a quienes en el Gobierno alegan que no se trata de liberar más fondos, sino de un problema de capacidad de gasto, de que hay cuellos de botella administrativos y falta de personal para canalizar las inversiones, Odendahl piensa que no es del todo cierto. “Si la inversión fuera de verdad una prioridad política, habría planes a largo plazo para que tanto los municipios como las empresas puedan prever sus inversiones y programar grandes proyectos”.
Brexit talks: The brutal reckoning that awaits the UK
21 November 2019
The Irish Times
For Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, “many businesses would find adapting to a new FTA just as troublesome as if the UK had crashed out without a deal”.
Some farmers are especially good at milking European taxpayers
21 November 2019
The Economist
John Springford of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank, notes that farming emissions have been creeping up since 2012, partly because of increases in livestock. But the commission’s cuts seem concentrated, bafflingly, on the part of the agricultural budget that could be used to do so, while sparing farm subsidies.
Tok FM: Tusk przewodniczącym Europejskiej Partii Ludowej
21 November 2019
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talks to TOK FM about the the Tusk’s election as the European People’s Party president.
CER Ditchley podcast series: Five challenges for Europe
20 November 2019
In November, the CER took 49 of Europe's top economists and political commentators to Ditchley Park for a conference on ‘Five challenges for Europe’.
Brexit talks: The brutal reckoning that awaits the UK
20 November 2019
Financial Times
For Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, “many businesses would find adapting to a new FTA just as troublesome as if the UK had crashed out without a deal”.
British voters unimpressed as Johnson, Corbyn clash in TV debate
20 November 2019
Voice of America
Both leaders pledged big increases in spending on health, education, and tackling climate change. But in reality, Brexit will still likely dominate the next parliament, says analyst Ian Bond of the Centre for European Reform. “If we leave the EU on 31st January, then we will have several more years of uncertainty while we negotiate the future trade deal with the EU.”
Berlin urges Nato rethink after Macron jibe at ‘brain-dead’ alliance
20 November 2019
Financial Times
Sophia Besch, a defence and security specialist at the Centre for European Reform think-tank, said the Maas plan appeared serious and reflected both the centrality of Nato in German defence policy and Berlin’s preference for “reform through review”.
Johnson’s ‘Get Brexit done’ drumbeat cannot drown out reality for ever
20 November 2019
The Guardian
As Sam Lowe, a trade expert at the Centre for European Reform, says: “Where we start isn’t what matters, it’s all about where we want to end up.”
Mission creep
19 November 2019
Financial Times
Sophia Besch at the Centre for European Reform on whether Brussels’ foray into defence spending can overcome entrenched interests from global governments and Nato.
Macron, el gran provocador
18 November 2019
La Vanguardia
“Macron tiene muchas más ideas que otros líderes europeos. Pero tendría más influencia si tuviera la paciencia de construir coaliciones para defenderlas”, apuntó Charles Grant, director del Centre for European Reform.
Brexit news latest: Boris Johnson warned trade deal will be Canada minus if Britain severs ties with EU
15 November 2019
The Evening Standard
Charles Grant, director at the Centre for European Reform, laid out concerns after recent visits to Berlin and Paris. “Germans are fed up Brexit has taken so long, but believe that transition period will have to be extended beyond Dec 2020,” he tweeted. On the future trade relationship, he believes Berlin will “prioritise” seeking “level playing field” arrangements between the EU and UK.
Droht ein harter Brexit durch die Hintertür?
14 November 2019
Deutsche Welle
Ein sehr reduziertes Freihandelsabkommen, in dem nur Zölle und Warenverkehr geregelt werden, sei zwar schneller zu schaffen, meint John Springford vom Thinktank "Centre for European Reform", aber nicht in den verbleibenden elf Monaten im nächsten Jahr. Denn die Verhandlungen mit Großbritannien können überhaupt erst nach dem Brexit am 31. Januar 2020 beginnen.
Can UK get 'super Canada-plus' trade deal with EU by end of 2020?
12 November 2019
The Guardian
The UK will want a zero-tariff deal allowing the free flow of goods to and from the UK and the EU.However, this comes with strings attached. As Sam Lowe, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, said this “will be dependent on the UK complying with EU level playing field demands on state aid, the environment and labour rights”.
Sam Lowe: « l'accord Johnson sur le Brexit est proche d'un no deal »
12 November 2019
Les Echos
Dans une interview aux « Echos », Sam Lowe, du Centre for European Reform, explique pourquoi les entreprises britanniques ont un gros travail de préparation au Brexit devant elles et comment le Brexit va impacter la population.
BBC Newsnight: Get Brexit done?
12 November 2019
"The term 'Get Brexit done' is very misleading, I suppose a more accurate term would be, 'get this phase of Brexit done', and then of course we move into the next phase" said Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform