
Video interview on 'A presence farther east: Can Europe play a strategic role in the Asia-Pacific region?'

Rem Korteweg
25 July 2014
Rem Korteweg discusses his recent policy brief on the Asia-Pacific region.

France and Britain trade hypocrisy claims over MH17 sanctions

24 July 2014
Agence France Presse
Britain's new foreign minister Philip Hammond has long "strongly supported British-French co-operation", despite being a fierce euroskeptic who opposes any EU role in British defense, said Charles Grant of the CER.

How would an independent Scotland join the EU?

John Kerr
24 July 2014
Financial Times
As Lord Kerr, a former permanent under-secretary at the Foreign Office, explained in an article on Wednesday for the CER, the practical issues about the euro, free movement of people and opt-outs are actually relatively simple.

Reshuffle: New faces as the Tories move right

24 July 2014
New Statesman
"You can be damn sure that nobody anywhere else in Europe will have heard of him," says Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform.

As crisis deepens, EBRD freezes new investment in Russia

23 July 2014
The Moscow Times
"It is the EU sending a message that Russia is currently not a good place to put your money, and that is a message that I guess the private sector will pay attention to," said Ian Bond of the CER.

EU can unite on South Stream, if not sanctions

Rem Korteweg
23 July 2014
The Moscow Times
Strong suspicions of Russian involvement in the tragic shooting down of a Malaysia Airlines aircraft have led EU countries to consider new sanctions against Moscow.

EU toughens language aimed at both sides in Gaza battle

22 July 2014
The Wall Street Journal
"Some are very sympathetic to Israel, and some are very unsympathetic," said Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the CER. "That in itself makes it pretty difficult for the EU to be a decisive player."

Ukraine crisis an opportunity for Germany to move past reputation for looking inward

21 July 2014
Irish Times
"Though an admirable starting point in foreign affairs, negotiation without a credible threat of sanctions or force cannot always be the solution," said Mr Grant, citing this as the Achilles’s heel of Berlin’s approach to Russia.

Sharp fall looms among top ranks of UK officials in EU Commission

20 July 2014
Financial Times
“It is rather that their outlook and values tend to be in favour of market liberalisation, and an outward-looking rather than a dirigiste Europe” said Charles Grant, on British officials in the EU Commission.

Den unge italiener, der splitter EU i øst og vest

18 July 2014
"Jeg tror ikke rigtig, at hun længere er en mulighed. Hun kan bruge de kommende uger på at argumentere for flere sanktioner mod Rusland. Men man kan spørge sig selv, hvor troværdigt det vil fremstå" siger topdiplomat Ian Bond fra tænketanken CER i London.

'Ramping up of sanctions is inevitable': Expert

18 July 2014
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform and Carlo Gallo, founder of Enquirisk, discuss the plane crash in eastern Ukraine and the possibility of more sanctions on Russia.

Cameron’s reshuffle boosts ‘Brexit’ risk

17 July 2014
Agence France Presse
Cameron had “slightly increased the danger” of Britain leaving the EU by creating a “markedly more Euroskeptic government,” said Charles Grant, director of the CER think tank in London.

West tightens noose on Russia's energy sector as geopolitical crisis deepens

17 July 2014
The Telegraph
Ian Bond, from the CER, said: “Exxon and BP need to think very carefully about the extent of their exposure in Russia...Any country that relies 100 per cent on Russia for its gas should be preparing a Plan B".

Европа теряет посты в британском правительстве

16 July 2014
"Новое правительство будет более скептически настроено в отношении ЕС. Проевропейские политики, хорошо говорящие на иностранных языках, как Дэвид Уиллетс и Доминик Грив, отправлены в отставку,— заявил

Judy Asks: Should America spy on its allies?

16 July 2014
Carnegie Europe
Every week, a selection of leading experts answer a new question from Judy Dempsey on the foreign and security policy challenges shaping Europe’s role in the world.

Cameron reshuffle tells Europe that Britain is 'ready to leave'

15 July 2014
The Guardian
Charles Grant of the CER said: "I'm sure Lord Hill is a good man, but he is not one of the government's 'big beasts'...Sending a relative lightweight to Brussels suggests that Cameron doesn't see the dossier as very important."

A view on Central Europe: Does the V4 have a future?

15 July 2014
Central European Policy Institute
Ian Bond argues that the V4 risks fading into irrelevance unless it can articulate a common position on the Ukraine crisis.

Jonathan Hill, UK's low-key 'fixer' sent to Brussels

15 July 2014
Agence France Presse
Charles Grant, of the CER, described [Jonathan Hill] as a "pro-European"..."He clearly has sensible views on Europe, he is a rationalist," Grant told AFP, adding that former European Commissioner Chris Patten "has spoken warmly of him to me."

Time for Labour to lead on clean air

Stephen Tindale
11 July 2014
Fabian Society
Air pollution kills 29,000 people every year in the UK, according to Public Health England. So clean air ought to be a political priority. But it isn’t.
Fortunately, those nasty Brussels bureaucrats are trying to protect public health. In December 2013 the European Commission proposed stricter air quality standards, based...

Debatte um EU-Austritt: "Großbritannien würde mehr Schaden nehmen"

Christian Odendahl
10 July 2014
"Wirtschaft ist kein Nullsummenspiel, die EU würde verletzt werden von einem britischen beenden. Aber den Schaden für die Wirtschaft wäre kleiner als, als die britische", Christian Odendahl, CER.