
How will Brexit actually shape up? Weeks after vote, Brits still don't know

15 August 2015
The Christian Science Monitor
"We are already seeing the campaigns tool up again over what Brexit means," says John Springworth, an analyst at the Centre for European Reform. ...The EU “will want to ensure that the UK does not have its cake and eat it,” suggests Mr Springford, the CER analyst, “otherwise all sorts of other members will demand concessions.”

Cameron's renegotiation plans: The view from Warsaw

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
13 August 2015
The Huffington Post
After ignoring Warsaw during his first term, David Cameron rushed to Poland immediately after his re-election in May, hoping to get the country on board his renegotiation package.

Polish brothers at arms

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
08 August 2015
According to the CER's Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, the euro will be the biggest clash: "Civic Platform and Law and Justice are like to have completely different views."  Tusk originally sought Polish entry into the single currency by 2012. That didn't happen and now Duda wants to protect Poland as a leading 'euro-out' country.

W.Brytania.Eksperci o wpływie prezydenta Dudy na relacje polsko-brytyjskie

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
07 August 2015
Gazeta Wyborcza
Agata Gostyńska z think tanku CER, że choć Duda "jest postrzegany jako bardziej umiarkowany polityk od Jarosława Kaczyńskiego", jego wygrana "została w większości stolic odczytana jako zwrot Polaków na prawo, wzbudzając obawy dotyczące powrotu bardziej konfrontacyjnej linii w polityce europejskiej".

Was die USA der Eurozone voraushaben

Christian Odendahl
05 August 2015
Der Standard
"Solche Vorschläge sind im Moment wenig hilfreich", kontert Christian Odendahl, Chefökonom des Londoner Centre for European Reform.

The Calais crisis: Discussion with Mark Reckless and Emily Maitlis

Camino Mortera-Martinez
05 August 2015
Camino Mortera-Martinez discusses the Calais crisis with Mark Reckless and Emily Maitlis.
Watch the debate here (17:40).

Britse uittreding onmogelijk? Hou er toch maar rekening mee

Rem Korteweg
04 August 2015
Optimisme en naïviteit gaan vaak samen. Nederland heeft baat bij het VK in de EU. Denk niet dat een Brexit onmogelijk is, schrijft Rem Korteweg.

Financial Times: Has Greece crisis created a two-speed Europe?

Christian Odendahl
04 August 2015
Christian Odendahl talks to the Financial Times about the Greek crisis (4:48).

European federalism is not dead yet

Philippe Legrain
03 August 2015
Financial Times
A dispassionate analysis of the eurozone’s options published last year by the Centre for European Reform concluded that a strengthening of fiscal federalism represented the best way of completing the eurozone’s ramshackle edifice — even if at the time that appeared to be politically impossible.

Storming the castle: Calais, or the failure of the EU’s migration policies

Camino Mortera-Martinez
03 August 2015
City A.M.
The ongoing crisis in Calais is a sad reminder that the EU is still far from finding a solution to its migration problems. It also shows how deep national divides have become in Europe. France blames Italy and Greece for failing to process asylum seekers arriving on its shores, opening the doors for them to travel elsewhere.

David Cameron should stand up to the eurozone

31 July 2015
Financial Times
Can Britain, a country that plans to keep its own currency, feel comfortable in an EU that is increasingly focused on the euro and its troubles? As David Cameron’s government starts negotiations with its partners on the terms...

BBC Newsnight: Migrant crisis

30 July 2015
Charles Grant discusses the current migrant crisis: watch it here (21:30) and why the UK is a favoured destination for migrants.

Britain and France scramble as Channel becomes choke point in migration crisis

Camino Mortera-Martinez
29 July 2015
The New York Times
"What we are seeing is the result of the European Union not being able to handle the migration crisis in the way that they should," said Camino Mortera-Martinez, a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform.

Behind the scenes at our 17th birthday party

29 July 2015
With a keynote speech by Joschka Fischer, German foreign minister and vice chancellor from 1998 to 2005. Hosted by HE Witold Sobkow, ambassador of the Republic of Poland to the UK.

Rising costs strike at German competitiveness

Simon Tilford
27 July 2015
The Wall Street Journal
"Rising wages are a resolutely positive thing," said Simon Tilford, deputy director of the CER. "But we will need to see several more years of reasonably strong German wage growth in order to have a meaningful impact on the imbalances in the German economy."

Fire kriser som endrer EU

Rem Korteweg
24 July 2015
Den nederlandske forskeren Rem Korteweg ved CER mener det kreves europeiske svar på fire store kriser om EU skal klare å holde sammen: Hellas-krisen, flyktningkrisen, Russland-Ukraina-konflikten og faren for at Storbritannia melder seg ut av EU.

The EU risks damaging consumer interests in its push against Google dominance

23 July 2015
City A.M
Jean Tirole won last year’s Nobel prize for economics for his work on a new type of market – and one that has grown with the meteoric rise of the internet. So-called two-sided markets arise when a company brings together suppliers and consumers. Google is a classic example: it...

Britain’s Eurosceptic ground zero

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
21 July 2015
The House of Commons doesn't even take full advantage of the powers it already has.

Is Europe's anti-austerity movement falling apart?

Camino Mortera-Martinez
20 July 2015
Channel 4 News
Camino Mortera from the Centre for European Reform told us: "There is a sense of people getting scared about what is happening in Greece happening in Spain as well. People see the banks closing and they think that Podemos will do the same in Spain."
Voters are also judging Podemos by its record as a party of government in some local councils, and have sometimes found that its politicians "are less organised than the more structured parties", she added.
"This is where they can lose momentum, and I think Spaniards are also fairly scared of change, for historical reasons.

Iran nuclear deal: After the nuclear deal, Iran is our "frenemy"

Rem Korteweg
17 July 2015
City A.M
Tuesday’s agreement on Iran’s nuclear programme is a momentous achievement, but only if it can be enforced and verified. Following the diplomatic deal in Vienna, Western governments should engage with Tehran, but also help to contain Iran’s growing influence in the region. 
While Tehran celebrates the upcoming removal of international sanctions,...