Is Britain giving up on foreign policy?
13 February 2015
The Independent
Despite the UK’s excellent think-tanks on foreign policy from the venerable Chatham House to the newer European Council on Foreign Relations and Centre for European Reform, fewer and fewer MPs of any party show an interest and very rarely attend foreign policy seminars and conferences.
Ukraine's ceasefire gives separatists two days "to conquer as much territory as they can"
12 February 2015
“Putin’s guys now have two and half days to conquer as much territory as they can,” Bond tells Quartz from his office at the CER. “They’ve created an incentive to seize as much ground as possible.”
Greece threatens tilt to Russia and China unless Europe yields
10 February 2015
The Telegraph
“Germany’s leaders have created a rod for their own backs by failing to explain honestly to their own people what the origins of the eurozone crisis really were. That is why it is going to be so difficult to reach a deal,” said Simon Tilford.
Judy Asks: can the west save Ukraine?
08 February 2015
Carnegie Europe
A selection of leading experts answer a new question from Judy Dempsey on the foreign and security policy challenges shaping Europe’s role in the world.
Vesten frygter blodbad i Ukraine
06 February 2015
"Det ligner sidste udkald for Hollande og Merkel, som hidtil har været stærkt imod at levere våben til den ukrainske hær. Hvis ikke denne plan lykkes, kan de måske ikke længere modstå det voksende amerikanske pres for direkte militær støtte", siger Ian Bond.
On tour, Greek leaders wear no ties and aim for looser belts
03 February 2015
The New York Times
“They [left-wing and right-wing populist parties] are forcing some of the issues into the open and making it hard for northern European countries to avoid the discussion,” said Simon Tilford, deputy director of the CER.
European disunion: Tsipras, Merkel and the conflict at the heart of the EU
03 February 2015
The Guardian
“Not only she [Merkel], but a large part of the German political, policy, economics and intellectual establishment was vehemently opposed to the ECB’s move [to print money],” noted the CER.
Referendum conundrums
01 February 2015
BBC Radio 4
Featuring analysis on an EU in-out vote from Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform (listen from 4:09).
Europe's creditors play with 'political fire' in pushing Greece to the brink
31 January 2015
The Telegraph
“The centre-Left has lost all credibility,” said Simon Tilford from the Centre for European Reform.
Greece’s defiant new face
31 January 2015
Gulf News
Analysts say Syriza’s leadership is deeply committed to its anti-austerity ideology and feels emboldened by the support it is getting from prominent Left-leaning economists across the globe. That, said Christian Odendahl of the CER, could lead the party to overplay its hand.
Ian Bond interview with France 24
30 January 2015
France 24
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy, talks to France 24 television network on the Ukraine crisis.
A young, impatient leftist is Greece’s defiant new face
29 January 2015
The Washington Post
Analysts say Syriza’s leadership is deeply committed to its anti-austerity ideology. That, said Christian Odendahl, chief economist at the CER, could lead the party to overplay its hand.
What’s the link between WW1 and Hungary’s 675,000 new citizens?
29 January 2015
Agata Gostyńska said “The memory of the 1920 treaty is still alive in the minds of most Hungarians and Orban is exploiting the fact that Hungarians still cannot come to terms with losing so much territory.”
Tanking markets send dire warning to Greece's new government
28 January 2015
“Offering such deep reforms up front in areas where previous governments have failed is the best hope to secure a meaningful quid-pro-quo on the pace of fiscal consolidation and debt re-profiling,” says Christian Odendahl.
'Não vai ser fácil para a Europa chutar a Grécia', diz economista-chefe do CER
28 January 2015
“A saída da Grécia poderia gerar uma nova fase de incertezas na economia europeia”, disse ao Metro Christian Odendahl, economista-chefe do CER.
Οι μεταρρυθμίσεις θα κρίνουν τη διαπραγμάτευση με το Βερολίνο
28 January 2015
Με τη νέα ελληνική κυβέρνηση να προετοιμάζεται για τις διαπραγματεύσεις με την τρόικα, η θέση της Γερμανίας ιδίως έχει γίνει αντικείμενο συζήτησης τόσο στην Ελλάδα όσο και στις αγορές.
Greek Markets Tremble At New PM’s Confrontation With Europe
28 January 2015
Time Magazine
“Offering such deep reforms up front in areas where previous governments have failed is the best hope to secure a meaningful quid-pro-quo on the pace of fiscal consolidation and debt re-profiling,” says Christian Odendahl.
Understanding the German approach towards Greece
27 January 2015
With the new government in Greece preparing for the negotiations with the troika, the German position in particular has been a topic of debate, both in Greece and on markets.
Greek coalition braces for debt showdown as Germany rattles sabre
27 January 2015
The Telegraph
Simon Tilford of the CER, said that Greece will remain trapped in crisis even if it wins a few concessions. “Nothing likely to happen will make any material difference for the Greek economy,” he said.
Hvad nu, Grækenland? Magtskifte udløser nyt drama
27 January 2015
Som økonomerne Christian Odendahl og Simon Tilford, så har alle interesse i at undgå »atombombe-scenariet«, hvor Grækenland bare nægter at betale landets gæld for derefter at blive tvunget ud af møntunionen.