Can Greece repair its reputation?
02 January 2014
The Telegraph
"With the elections in mind, and with a primary budget surplus, I would also expect the Greek government to be a little more bolshy during the presidency,"says Charles Grant of the CER. "I think other countries will just have to accept that, which could lead to de facto forgiveness for Greek debts."
Britain is in desperate need of immigration from the EU
02 January 2014
The Telegraph
As a recent survey of the academic studies of migration's impact by the Centre for European Reform highlights, the arrival of low-skilled European migrants since 2004 has had no impact on native unemployment or wages.
As Latvia adopts euro, future growth is slowing
01 January 2014
The New York Times
"In order for the euro to flourish in the long term, it must assume a much more federal character, constructing some kind of a federal budget with transfers, which involves a greater pooling of sovereignty," said Simon Tilford, deputy director of the CER.