
'UK ignorance is harming Brexit' - expert demands Brexiteers 'wise up' about EU Parliament

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
05 April 2018
The Express
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, from the Centre for European Reform said: “British ignorance of the EU institutions is harming its own interests. “British ignorance of how they operate is clearly damaging the UK’s chances of success in the negotiations. “The British need to wise up about the EU and its institutions, after all it could make the difference between getting a good deal, a bad deal, or no deal.”

BBC Newsnight: British EU ignorance is harming UK interests - Viewsnight

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
04 April 2018
In this Viewsnight, Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska of the CER argues that if the British government doesn't pay more attention to the European Parliament, it could get a bad Brexit deal.

UK's tortured approach to EU defence takes new twist

Sophia Besch
04 April 2018
"The irony is that the EU is getting serious about defence just as the UK is leaving,” says Sophia Besch, a defence expert at the Centre for European Reform. The UK’s partnership paper on defence, which set out the May government’s position on future EU-UK relations, published last autumn, was received “with glee in Brussels because it was so supportive,” Besch told EURACTIV.

Industry planning jobs cull to offset Brexit

Sam Lowe
31 March 2018
The Guardian
“The government’s problem is that, as it becomes clear that the most we can hope for is a free trade agreement with the EU, more and more businesses reliant on pan-European supply chains will be forced into considering the viability of their UK operations,” said Sam Lowe, from the Centre for European Reform.

Spy poisoning reaction: Russia refuses to back down as it expels diplomats in tit-for-tat row

30 March 2018
The Independent
"They have blamed the UK, Ukraine, the Czechs, Kremlin critic Bill Browder, the Portland Down weapons research facility and poisoned pizzas," said Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform and a former British diplomat in Moscow. "They have not suggested they lost control of the stuff, and I find that significant in itself."

Trade expert suggests UK go for 'BIGGER RUPTURE' from EU to reap full Brexit benefits

Sam Lowe
29 March 2018
The Express
Brexit Britain could seek a "bigger rupture" from the European Union's trading system in order to reap the full benefits of being able to do business independently, Sam Lowe, a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform said.

How Theresa May will navigate the perilous road to Brexit

Sam Lowe
29 March 2018
As Sam Lowe, a trade expert at the Centre for European Reform, puts it: “It only requires one red line to move.” The government says it can still strike deals on services and innovative new industries, and the hardliners accept this is the best Brexit they can get.  

CER podcast: Brexit negotiations: Will the unity of the 27 crack?

Sophia Besch, Beth Oppenheim, Sam Lowe
28 March 2018
Sophia Besch speaks to Beth Oppenheim and Sam Lowe about what to expect during the second part of Brexit negotiations – will the future relationship talks bring out different political and economic interests among the EU-27?

Channel 4 News: What are the prospects for UK trade after Brexit?

Sam Lowe
28 March 2018
A year tomorrow Britain formally leaves the European Union, Sam Lowe of the CER joined Gary Gibon to disuss the deals the UK could do with countries across the world and what will they want from us in return.

Brexit, one year to go: Labour could still shape the terms of Britain’s exit deal

28 March 2018
The Independent
We cannot be sure that the EU-27 would be prepared to negotiate a customs union, although Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform thinks its leaders are sympathetic to the idea. 

Brexit financial services deal will be difficult

Mark Boleat
28 March 2018
The industry has accepted that so-called “passporting” rights will not be possible after Britain leaves the EU. The concept of “equivalence” has been mooted as a solution but even agreeing to that will be difficult.

Europäische Verteidigungspolitik: Jetzt geht’s um Resultate!

Sophia Besch
27 March 2018
Peace Lab
Ob die Gemeinsame Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik der EU wirklich vorankommt, hängt von der neuen Bundesregierung ab.

Brexit goes to space

Sophia Besch
26 March 2018
Financial Times
As Sophia Besch of the Centre for European Reform neatly explains, non-EU countries are, in principle, allowed to access the encrypted Galileo system. Norway and the US are in (protracted) talks to do so. Britain should have a decent chance after Brexit, having developed much of the Galileo encryption technology.

Made in Britain: What does it mean for trade after Brexit?

Sam Lowe
26 March 2018
BBC News
There are significant costs, administrative and legal, for businesses that have to prove the origin of goods. In some cases, that could even mean that it's cheaper just to pay a low tariff than to go through the bureaucracy involved in getting an exemption. "There are steps that can be taken to mitigate the costs," says Sam Lowe of the Centre for European Reform. "But outside the customs union you cannot eliminate those extra costs entirely."

A new Cold War with Russia? No, It's worse than that

26 March 2018
The New York Times
Ian Bond, a former British diplomat in Moscow who is now director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform in London, said Russia’s often implausible denials had made it “like the boy who cried wolf.” “If you keep putting forward crazy conspiracy theories, eventually people are going to ask whether what you are saying is just another crazy Russian denial,” he said.

Theresa May shows why the EU matters

23 March 2018
Financial Times
“If Mrs May had not been at the table yesterday, she would have been relying entirely on the leaders of France, Germany and others to make her points [about the Skripal case] for her,” says Ian Bond of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank.“That would have been a pretty tough thing to do. The French and Germans are obviously concerned about what the Russians are doing. But this isn’t their fight.”

Behind the scenes: Distrust of EU boils over in Italy's election

23 March 2018
The Japan News
“Economically and geographically, Italy is on the front line and it has been pounded,” said Luigi Scazzieri, a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform. “There was a perception that the European Union couldn’t be relied on at that time, and that Italy had been abandoned. That sentiment came to the fore in this election.”

The EU is becoming more British

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
23 March 2018
Financial Times
Member-states are taking back control of the Brussels machinery from the European Commission, argues Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska at the Centre for European Reform: "The outcome of the leaders’ discussions chimes with the original British vision for the EU, whereby the member-states have a strong voice in EU decision-making, and keep the European Parliament and the Commission at arm’s length. But the irony of Brexit is that the EU is becoming more British just as the UK is leaving the EU."

Ukraine is no blueprint for Brexit success

Beth Oppenheim
23 March 2018
As European leaders gather once again in Brussels, the European Parliament has recommended the UK consider an association agreement with the EU after Brexit.

Европа в поисках врага

22 March 2018
— Но события в Солсбери сделают сложные отношения хуже, — сказал «Известиям» директор по внешней политике базирующегося в Лондоне Центра европейской реформы Ян Бонд.