
Judy Asks: Is Germany's political crisis dangerous for Europe?

Sophia Besch
06 June 2019
Carnegie Europe
Europe needs Germany to help the continent respond to external challenges such as the changes in the relationships with China and the United States, and to lead internal EU reform.

Defiant and upbeat, can the ERG's no-deal manifesto break the Brexit impasse?

Sam Lowe
05 June 2019
The Telegraph
“There is little new here,” said Sam Lowe, trade expert at the Centre for European Reform think-tank. “Mr Baker wants a transition period and a basic free trade agreement without a Withdrawal Agreement and a backstop for Northern Ireland - something that the EU insists is not on the table.”

CER podcast: What is a customs union?

Sophia Besch, Sam Lowe
05 June 2019
Sophia Besch asks Sam Lowe to explain what a customs union is. Sam argues that a customs union is still compatible with an effective UK trade policy.

The long, winding road to Trump's 'phenomenal' UK trade deal

Sam Lowe
04 June 2019
“All of the issues that previously emerged during the TTIP negotiations will reappear,” said Sam Lowe, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank in London. “Talk of chlorine chicken and takeovers of the NHS, however accurate or not, already have public salience,” he said, referring to the UK’s National Health Service.

Would a trade deal with Trump boost Brexit Britain?

Sam Lowe
04 June 2019
Financial Times
Sam Lowe, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, said it was “nonsensical” to argue there could be a big enough surge in US-UK trade to make up such a gap because London and Washington do not envisage a free trade agreement remotely as deep as the EU single market.“We are hugely integrated in the EU economy and for any US deal, the most we are looking at is tariff reduction,” he said. Other motors of trade such as common standards and regulatory alignment would be much less touched by any US-UK agreement.

UK hopes trade deal with US could soften Brexit blow

Sam Lowe
04 June 2019
Deutsche Welle
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, shares a similar view and says it's "nonsensical" to believe there will be a big enough surge in bilateral trade with the US to close the gap. "We are hugely integrated into the EU economy and for any US deal, the most we are looking at is tariff reduction," he told the British business daily Financial Times recently.

US takes aim at the UK's National Health Service

Sam Lowe
04 June 2019
“The US has long taken issue with the fact that the NHS’s approach to drug procurement… pulls down prices worldwide,” said Sam Lowe, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, in an op-ed.

The UK has much to fear from a US trade agreement

Sam Lowe
03 June 2019
The New Statesman
Any deal with Trump would likely stray into areas such as food safety and drug pricing — and the president would come back for more.

Politico: Wizyta Donalda Trumpa w Wielkiej Brytanii

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
03 June 2019
Adam Jasser rozmawia z Agatą Gostyńską - Jakubowską, analitykiem w Centre for European Reform o kontrowersyjnych radach Donalda Trumpa. Prezydent USA sugerował Brytyjczykom, kto powinien być ich premierem i kto powinien kierować partią rządzącą. Poruszony zostaje również temat Wielkiej Brytanii stojącej w rozkroku. Duże firmy rozważają relokacje własnych siedzib do innych państw Unii Europejskiej.

Abogados internacionales piden a La Haya que investigue a la UE por crímenes contra la humanidad por su política migratoria

Camino Mortera-Martinez
03 June 2019
El Pais
No así, en aguas territoriales libias, como recuerda Camino Mortera-Martínez, experta legal del Center for European Reform. “Lo que intenta la UE es que no lleguen a aguas internacionales porque ahí estarían obligados a la búsqueda y rescate. En las aguas libias es Libia quien tiene la responsabilidad”.

Germany's resurgent Greens set the agenda as SPD flounders

Christian Odendahl
03 June 2019
The Guardian
“It’s significant that an established centrist party is at last prepared to open up the discussion whether the debt brake still makes sense,” said Christian Odendahl, the chief economist at the Centre for European Reform think-tank. “That party should really have been the Social Democrats, but they were too cautious about offending fiscal conservatives among their electorate.”

The maths of a trade deal with Trump do not add up

Sam Lowe
03 June 2019
The Telegraph
Indeed, as Sam Lowe, at the Centre for European Reform points out, the UK White Paper talks about using “mutual recognition of conformity assessment” to allow US products into the UK, but the US is clearly not interested in negotiating on that basis.

Hawk or dove: Draghi's successor has their work cut out at the ECB

Christian Odendahl
02 June 2019
The Telegraph
As Christian Odendahl, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform, puts it: “Finding the next ECB chief is part of a larger puzzle of hugely important personnel decisions that EU leaders have to make after the European Parliament elections.”

A quiet revolution sweeps Europe as Greens become a political force

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
02 June 2019
The Guardian
“Greens could be kingmakers in the decision process,” said Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform think-tank. They have already had an impact on the race to replace commission president Jean-Claude Juncker, she added, by making it clear that they will only support a candidate who backs their agenda. “What you see is that all of the hopefuls are becoming more green.” 

May's replacements set out Brexit alternatives: Brexit update

Sam Lowe
02 June 2019
Sam Lowe, trade expert at the Centre For European Reform, described it on Twitter as “most coherent proposal I’ve seen so far from a leadership candidate.” He later added that this was “a relative statement.”

Trump UK visit: Will Trump offer post-Brexit trade deal during UK visit?

02 June 2019
The Express
Director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform, Ian Bond, has claimed there are two key reasons Trump won’t be offering the UK a post-Brexit trade deal on this trip.Mr Bond believes the UK and the US’s conflicting stances of Chinese tech firm Huawei could put a trade deal on ice.Mr Bond said: “Traditionally, the UK would use a state visit by a US president to reinforce the important bilateral defence and security ties that make the special relationship special.

Trump to be greeted by pomp and protest on UK visit

Sam Lowe
02 June 2019
The Wall Street Journal
“I don’t think we will be signing a large-scale trade agreement with the US any time soon,” said Sam Lowe, a trade expert at the Centre for European Reform, a London-based think tank. The only way that could happen in the short term is if the UK leaves the EU without a deal to smooth its exit, he added, a prospect that the government has warned could do serious damage to the economy.

The special relationship may be awkward under Trump – but it is vital to Brexit Britain

31 May 2019
President Donald Trump’s state visit to the UK from 3 to 5 June may show the relationship between the UK and US is more awkward than special these days.

Dominic Raab's dodgy details not out of place in Tory race

Sam Lowe
31 May 2019
The Irish Times
In an invaluable new paper Sam Lowe looks in detail at the kind of alternative arrangements that would be needed to keep the Border free of physical infrastructure and associated checks after Brexit.He points out that, even if efficient systems of online predeclaration of goods, trusted trader schemes and tracking technology are developed, some checks will still be necessary away from the Border. And any system would require an intensification in anti-smuggling measures near the Border, either through intelligence-led policing or electronic surveillance.

How the Kremlin sees the rest of the world

29 May 2019
The New Statesman
Russian analysts reckon the US will be less focused on intervening around the world and will be more nationalist, mercantilist and interest-focused.