
The rise of anti-Semitism in Europe

07 August 2019
The Telegraph
Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform think-tank, said the fact that both the migrant and Eurozone crises have now been contained provides grounds for cautious optimism that the rise in far-Right ideology and anti-semitism will not become the 'new normal' for Europe."The results of last May's EU elections from across almost all of Europe suggested that the far-Right populist surge has peaked in the majority of EU countries," he added.

Eine EU-Mission ist illusorisch

Sophia Besch
06 August 2019
Deutschland kritisiert gern vom Spielfeldrand, statt eigene Vorschläge zu machen. 

BBC News: UK heading for no-deal Brexit

06 August 2019
UK appears to be heading for a no-deal Brexit, Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform tells BBC News with Boris Johnson making Theresa May's red lines redder and harder to cross. “The way out of it is for Boris Johnson to reconsider those red lines, but at the moment that’s not the position he’s in”.

Gulf tension making it harder for EU to save Iran deal

02 August 2019
EU Observer
Tensions between Europe and Iran are rising after Iran's seizure of a British-flagged tanker transiting through the Persian Gulf in mid-July.

Trump, Kushner and Netanyahu are hellbent on destroying the two-state solution – the EU must not let them

Beth Oppenheim, Luigi Scazzieri
02 August 2019
The Independent
In typical Trump style, Kushner is pushing a $50bn Middle East ‘deal of the century’ to solve the Israel-Palestinian question. It won’t work and so the European Union should step in.

Boris Johnson's Brexit plans draw backlash outside England, threatening unity of the UK

02 August 2019
The Japan Times
“It was perfectly foreseeable that the hardest of hard Brexit would put huge strains on the union,” the Centre for European Reform’s deputy director John Springford said.“It’s clear that Brexit, which is an English nationalist project, really … matters much more to him than the future of the union,” Springford said.

New British trade pact with US unlikely anytime soon, experts say

02 August 2019
Yahoo News
"An offsetting trade deal with the US will not make up for the loss of trade to the EU," said John Springford, deputy director of the think tank Centre for European Reform and an expert on global trade.

The Spectator Podcast: Will the EU compromise for Boris?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
02 August 2019
As the UK government ramps up its no deal Brexit planning, is there any chance of a compromise with the EU on a deal? In this week’s magazine, James Forsyth looks at how seriously Brussels is taking Boris Johnson’s threats. He suggests that until parliament signals it can pass a deal, the EU...

Preparing for no deal is a paradoxical process

Sam Lowe
01 August 2019
The Economist
While the government will determine the route Britain takes out of the EU, it is businesses that will feel the effects, and that must take action to mitigate them. But “businesses do not want to,” says Sam Lowe, a researcher at the Centre for European Reform think-tank.

Sky News: New Prime Minister

01 August 2019
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska argued that a threat to withdraw 39 billion euro was not a wise negotiating strategy. She pointed out that it would also undermine the UK’s credibility in the eyes of other global powers who the UK wants to strike free deals with.

Voice of America: As Brexit storm gathers, Britain looks to Trump for hope

01 August 2019
In the US, the Democrats control the House of Representatives and have vowed to uphold the Good Friday Agreement that ended the conflict in Northern Ireland — something imperiled by Brexit, said John Springford of the CER.

UK reliance on EU market highlighted by new services data read

Sam Lowe
31 July 2019
Research from the Centre for European Reform shows that even if the UK manages to strike a new free-trade agreement with the EU - a prospect that looks increasingly unlikely under Prime Minister Boris Johnson - there will be “big constraints” on services trade. There would also be an increase in British firms establishing a commercial presence in the EU, which would result in some well-paid jobs moving to the bloc, the think tank said.

CER podcast: The EU's Security Union

Camino Mortera-Martinez, Beth Oppenheim
31 July 2019
Beth Oppenheim asks Camino Mortera-Martinez to review the record of the EU's Security Union.

No-deal Brexit: How prepared are the EU and the UK?

Sam Lowe
31 July 2019
Financial Times
Sam Lowe, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, said companies had failed to prepare because they did not believe a crash exit was realistic.“So far the whole strategy required companies to sign up to things and engage, but they haven’t been doing it enough,” he added.

Central Bank: Irish growth could be wiped out by hard Brexit

31 July 2019
The Times
One estimate from the Centre for European Reform [a London-based think tank], shows that by the end of 2018, the UK economy was 2.5 per cent smaller than it would have been had the UK voted to remain in the EU.”

Twardy brexit coraz bliżej. Boris Johnson gra va banque

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
30 July 2019
Zdaniem Agaty Gostyńskiej-Jakubowskiej z londyńskiego think tanku Centre for European Reform nie ma co liczyć na to, że UE ugnie się przed "szantażem" Londynu, bo odstąpienie od obrony interesów Irlandii miałoby fatalne skutki dla solidarności europejskiej i mogłoby spowodować wzrost nastrojów eurosceptycznych.

Revealed: Real reason EU leaders won't budge on Boris Johnson's no deal Brexit threat

30 July 2019
The Express
European leaders are working on the assumption Boris Johnson is bluffing with his threat of a no deal Brexit scenario to push for a general election against Jeremy Corbyn after he is potentially stopped by both Brussels and MPs in Parliament, Charles Grant has claimed.Speaking to Channel 4 News, the director of the Centre for European Reform claimed European Union chiefs believe an early general election is likely and that Boris Johnson "wants to be stopped" in his bluff to take the UK out of the EU without an agreement.

With Boris Johnson in office, a Brexit standoff with Ireland solidifies

30 July 2019
The Wall Street Journal
“One of the consequences of Brexit that has not been much discussed is the growth of Irish nationalism,” said Charles Grant, the founder of the Centre for European Reform, a think tank.

Se tambalea la promesa de la paridad en la Comisión Europea de Von der Leyen

Camino Mortera-Martinez
30 July 2019
Así las cosas, una de las primeras promesas de Von der Leyen podría tener los días contados. Su margen de maniobra para convencer a los Estados miembros de que envíen a más mujeres es "limitado", según explica a Efe la investigadora del Centre for European Reform (CER) Camino Mortera-Martínez.

Channel 4 News: EU must recognise current Brexit deal not going to pass Commons

29 July 2019
As the government ramps up its no deal planning, Boris Johnson has insisted a new deal with the EU is still a possibility.