Cameron’s migration mess
04 December 2014
European Voice
Camino Mortera-Martinez of the CER says the UK should “stop blaming Brussels for problems which can and should be solved at national level”.
Judy Asks: Can Tusk boost EU foreign policy?
03 December 2014
Carnegie Europe
Every week, a selection of leading experts answer a new question from Judy Dempsey on the foreign and security policy challenges shaping Europe’s role in the world.
Could the "cancelled" South Stream pipeline be revived?
02 December 2014
Financial Times
"South Stream is postponed and diverted, but is not necessarily dead," Rem Korteweg, a senior research fellow at the CER, told beyondbrics.
Afblazen gasleiding zet verhouding Rusland-EU op scherp
02 December 2014
Financieel Dagblad
"Het besluit van de Russen kan ook de interne verdeeldheid in Europa vergroten, stelt Rem Korteweg van het Centre for European Reform (CER)."
David Cameron under fire across Europe for migrants plan
01 December 2014
The Guardian
“The only way to stop EU migrants entering the country is to leave the EU,” said Camino Mortera-Martinez of a London thinktank, the Centre for European Reform, in a paper analysing the issue this week.
Immigration : David Cameron veut priver les étrangers d’aides sociales
01 December 2014
Les Echos
"Mais Cameron n’a pas non plus placé la barre trop haut. Il pourra certainement obtenir au moins certaines réformes de la part de ses partenaires, et les présenter comme une victoire", juge Camino Mortera-Martinez.
Treacherous sands: the EU and terrorism in the broader Sahel
01 December 2014
European View
In the Sahel weak government institutions, porous borders, and ethnic, religious and tribal tensions enable organised crime networks, militants and terrorist groups to operate with relative impunity.
On immigration, Cameron is trying to feed a beast that cannot be satisfied
29 November 2014
The Guardian
And as the seasoned Europe-watcher Charles Grant warns: “You can’t see the Poles agreeing.”
David Cameron's timetable for reform in Europe 'impossible'
29 November 2014
The Guardian
Charles Grant, director of the CER, an independent think tank dedicated to promoting a reform agenda within the EU, said: “The British government will not have got all the treaty changes ratified by 2017.”
Fear of immigration is no reason for Britain to leave Europe
27 November 2014
Financial Times
As the Centre for European Reform’s report on the economic consequences of leaving the EU showed, the view that immigration from the EU has imposed huge net economic costs on the UK is utterly unfounded.
Jean-Claude Juncker's €315bn New Deal dismissed as a subprime gimmick
26 November 2014
The Telegraph
Charles Grant, director of the pro-EU Centre for European Reform, said Mr Juncker’s valiant efforts to do something substantive have been scuppered by powerful opponents.
Special report: Putin's allies channeled billions to Ukraine oligarch
26 November 2014
"Gazprom is very much a tool of Russian foreign policy," says Rem Korteweg, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform. Every major deal that Gazprom signs is approved by Putin, people in the energy industry say.
Judy Asks: Has the EU already lost Britain?
26 November 2014
Carnegie Europe
Every week, a selection of leading experts answer a new question from Judy Dempsey on the foreign and security policy challenges shaping Europe’s role in the world.
Doubling a country's economy with the click of a mouse
24 November 2014
Kotka claims e-residency will be totally secure. To qualify, you must supply biometric data — like finger prints — and be vetted. However, Ian Bond of the CER is not entirely reassured.
Video interview on international climate negotations
21 November 2014
Stephen Tindale interviews Simon Henry, chief financial officer of Shell on what his company would like to see agreed in Paris next year.
Stephen Tindale's recent policy brief 'International climate negotiations should focus on money, not targets' can be read here.
Stephen Tindale's recent policy brief 'International climate negotiations should focus on money, not targets' can be read here.
Sweden’s central bank: Stockholm syndrome
19 November 2014
Financial Times
With these credentials, the two men seemed ideally suited to guide the Riksbank’s policy through the turmoil, says Christian Odendahl, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform.
European and national parliaments: the zero-sum fantasy
18 November 2014
Policy Network
Enhancing the role of national parliaments in EU decision-making and overseeing EU economic governance need not come at the expense of the European parliament.
О британской иррациональности...
18 November 2014
Ukranian Daily DEN
Ян БОНД: "У нас существует мысль, что можно иметь выгоду от членства в ЕС благодаря доступу к единому рынку, не будучи членами евросообщества" (In Russian and English).
Putin slipper for nye sanktioner trods verbal lussing fra Merkel
18 November 2014
"Putin regner med, at den europæiske industrilobby vil sørge for, at sanktionerne ikke forlænges næste år", siger Ian Bond, udenrigspolitisk direktør ved CER.
Сегодня вечером
17 November 2014
Ian Bond speaks to Latvian State television on Vladimir Putin's participation in the G20 summit.