Charles Grant

Charles Grant

Areas of expertise 

Britain’s relationship with the EU, the ‘future of Europe’ debate, European foreign and defence policy, and China's relations with the West.

The European External Action Service

The European External Action Service

15 March 2013
The European External Action Service (EEAS) is, potentially, a very useful tool for enhancing British influence in the EU and in the world.
The EU, Russia and China

The EU, Russia and China

15 March 2013
Both Russia and China matter to the UK. Strategically, they are nuclear powers and P-5 countries, with diplomatic interests in many parts of the world.
Two cheers for Beppe Grillo

Two cheers for Beppe Grillo

01 March 2013
Austerity is condemning the eurozone's periphery to slump. Italy's election is a warning: the EU must change direction, or populist revolts against its policies will gather pace.
Annual Report 2012

Annual report 2012

08 February 2013
Charles Grant analyses Britain's difficult relationship with the EU and looks back on what the CER did in 2012.
Cameron's optimistic, risky and ambiguous strategy

Cameron's optimistic, risky and ambiguous strategy

24 January 2013
Some of David Cameron's EU speech is sensible. But his strategy is risky, riddled with ambiguities and could lead to a British exit.
How can the EU influence China? thumbnail

How can the EU influence China?

07 January 2013
The EU would have more influence in China if its governments were more willing to work together and if it focused on a few key objectives.
How Britain could leave the EU

How Britain could leave the EU

26 November 2012
Britain's departure from the EU grows ever more likely. David Cameron, the prime minister, wants Britain to stay in. But he seems set on a path that could lead to an exit.
Russia needs a plan for modernising its economy thumbnail

Russia needs a plan for modernising its economy

06 November 2012
Russia remains dependent on oil and gas, yet its leaders lack a coherent plan for rebalancing the economy. President Putin does not seem bothered.
François Hollande

Hollande, the Germans and 'political union'

25 September 2012
François Hollande wants a more equal Franco-German relationship. But tensions over managing the eurozone crisis and reforming EU treaties are straining that relationship.
Burma: An EU foreign policy success

Burma: An EU foreign policy success

23 August 2012
Burma's rulers could not modernise its economy unless the EU lifted sanctions. But the EU insisted on political reform, which is now happening.