Charles Grant

Charles Grant

Areas of expertise 

Britain’s relationship with the EU, the ‘future of Europe’ debate, European foreign and defence policy, and China's relations with the West.


Radio France - France Culture: Post-Brexit: les tourments du Royaume-Uni

04 March 2023
Rishi Sunak est attendu à Paris pour un sommet franco-britannique, le 10 mars. Le premier ministre de Charles III gouverne un pays rongé par l’inflation et des crises sociales. Le Royaume-Uni serait-il devenu l’homme malade de l’Europe, comme s’interrogeait récemment l’hebdomadaire The Economist ?
Avec Hélène Rey économiste, professeur à la London...

The Protocol deal is a win for Sunak – and the EU

The Spectator
27 February 2023
Soon after Boris Johnson struck a deal with the EU in October 2019 on the Withdrawal Agreement, including the Northern Ireland protocol, the British government demanded changes to the Protocol.

Spectator Podcast: Will the DUP accept Sunak’s deal?

17 February 2023
As it looks like the government is about to agree a new deal with the European Union on the Northern Ireland Protocol, Rishi Sunak is in Belfast today meeting with the DUP. Will they accept a compromise?
Max Jeffery speaks to Isabel Hardman and Charles Grant, director of the Centre for...

Klubradio: Egyre többen csalódnak a Brexitben

05 February 2023
 Az elmúlt hat és fél évben, a Brexit-referendum óta, megosztott az ország, de azt kell mondjam, az elmúlt fél évben történt változások következtében ez az arány megbomlott és most már a megkérdezettek nagyjából 60 százaléka tartja azt, hogy az Unióban kellett volna maradni – mondja Charles Grant, a Centre for European Reform igazgatója Londonban. Ez persze nem jelenti azt, hogy csatlakozna az ország az Unióhoz. Nem akarnak az emberek egy újabb, mocskos kampányt végigcsinálni.

Spectator podcast: Are we close to a breakthrough on the Northern Ireland Protocol?

01 February 2023
The Times has reported that a partial agreement has been made over the Northern Ireland Protocol. Why are the government playing down the progress made over the Irish border? Cindy Yu speaks to Katy Balls and Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform. 

CER podcast: The implications of Russia's war against Ukraine

15 December 2022
In this year’s final episode of the CER podcast, our researchers unpack the most significant event of the past year, Russia’s war on Ukraine.
CER podcast: Can Rishi Sunak reset the UK-EU relationship?

CER podcast: Can Rishi Sunak reset the UK-EU relationship?

03 November 2022
Peter Foster joins Charles Grant to consider the prospects for repairing UK-EU relations under new British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

BBC: The Context with Christian Fraser- First meeting of the European Political Community

06 October 2022
The idea behind the European Political Community is that Europe can have more geopolitical muscle than just EU member-states or countries on their own. European countries will be able to support Ukraine and stand up to Russia with one voice, Charles Grant tells Christian Fraser (from 2:58 mins).

CER podcast: What might Macron's European Political Community look like?

03 October 2022
In this week's CER podcast Camino Mortera-Martinez spoke to Charles Grant about the European Political Community.
CER podcast: Finding a solution to the Northern Ireland Protocol

CER podcast: Finding a solution to the Northern Ireland Protocol

21 September 2022
Hilary Benn MP and Charles Grant discussed the standoff between the UK and the EU over the Northern Ireland Protocol.