Charles Grant

Charles Grant

Areas of expertise 

Britain's EU referendum, the 'future of Europe' debate, the euro, Russia, European foreign and defence policy and China's relations with the West.


CER podcasts: Relaunching the EU

08 November 2017
The CER has launched a major new report ‘Relaunching the EU’. In this podcast mini-series, CER researchers explain some of the reports main recommendations.

Fast forward to two-speed Europe

07 November 2017
Macron's calls for a more flexible bloc will make it more attractive to new members.

BBC Radio 4: Europe Unbound

31 October 2017
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform speaks to Edward Stourton about how the European Union might change after Britain leaves. "The wind is back in Europe's sails", according to European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker.

BBC Radio 4: Profile of Martin Selmayr

22 October 2017
Charles Grant speaks to Radio 4 about Martin Selmayr (from 10.40 mins) and how Selmayr is committed to a more integrated Europe. 

France 24: Much more work to be done after Brexit summit

21 October 2017
“Officials I talk to, in both the UK government and the European Commission, are fairly optimistic that in December the EU will declare that sufficient progress has been made [to move onto phase two]," said Charles Grant, an analyst at the Centre for European Reform in London, in an interview with FRANCE 24. “But of course that is not certain," he added.

Judy Asks: Does May need Merkel for a Brexit deal?

Carnegie Europe
18 October 2017
No, Theresa May needs to impose some discipline and unity on her own troops in order to achieve a workable deal.

Preparing for a softer Brexit

CIRSD Horizons
18 September 2017
The UK's general election has increased the chances of a softer Brexit. But what would that look like? And could it involve a customs union with the European Union?

The EU is changing – and the UK attitude to Brexit could change too

The New Statesman
03 September 2017
The people running the EU have always wanted it to be uniform.

BBC Radio 4 Today: Brexit negotiations

01 September 2017
Charles Grant speaks to John Humphreys about the Brexit negotiations (from 1h 34m).

The real problem with Brexit talks is there are hardliners on both sides

The Guardian
28 August 2017
Will the October summit of EU heads of government deem that “sufficient progress” has been made in the UK’s talks on leaving the EU?