RSI: Londra al bivio
23 June 2016
Christian Odendahl speaks to RSI about the UK's EU referendum, from 1.06 mins.
Polskie Radio: Brexit - historyczny wybór Wielkiej Brytanii?
22 June 2016
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform speaks to Polskie Radio about the UK's EU referendum.
Radio Svoboda: Британія може опинитися в ситуації України
22 June 2016
Ian Bond the director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform speaks to Radio Svoboda about the UK's EU referendum.
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska on 'The Economist Asks: EU referendum special'
16 June 2016
With Mario Monti, Zanny Minton Beddoes and Lane Greene (16:20).
TOK FM: Dlaczego o Brexicie rozmawiają tylko mężczyźni?
16 June 2016
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talks to Agnieszka Lichnerowicz of TOK FM about the Brexit campaign.
Share Radio: EU Debate
16 June 2016
The Chancellor George Osborne says he'll slash public spending and increase taxes in an emergency Budget to tackle a £30bn "black hole" if the UK votes to leave the European Union. That could include raising income and inheritance taxes and slashing the NHS budget.
UCL debate: 'Highlights of Brexit: Its consequences for other member-states'
15 June 2016
UCL debate on; What are the likely effects of Brexit on politics within other member states? Would Brexit change remaining member states’ relationships with the EU? Would it affect decision-making within member states?
TOK FM: Referendum coraz bardziej dzieli Brytyjczyków?
10 June 2016
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talks to Jacob Janiszewski on TOK FM to discuss the increasingly divided debate in the UK on the EU referendum.
ARD: Die Story im Ersten - Albtraum Brexit
06 June 2016
Das Rennen zwischen Befürwortern und Gegnern eines Austritts aus der EU ist denkbar knapp. Doch was kommt nach einem Brexit?
Polskie Radio: 27. rocznica masakry na placu Tiananmen
27 May 2016
In a broadcast interview with Agata Gostyńska and Leszek Fall debate the UK's EU referendum and the possibility of a Brexit.
The Spectator podcast: Erdogan's Europe
05 May 2016
What does Davutoglu’s resignation mean for Turkey and the EU?
Tok FM: Jaka przyszłość czeka Unię Europejską, jeśli Brytyjczycy zdecydują się ją opuścić? Agata Gostyńska w rozmowie z Jakubem Janiszewskim
04 May 2016
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talks to Jakub Janiszewski of Tok FM about the future of the European Union, if the British decide to leave.
Video of CER/DIW Berlin roundtable on 'Britain's role in Europe' with Josckha Fischer and David Lidington
28 April 2016
Josckha Fischer and David Lidington discuss the role of Britain in Europe at a CER/DIW roundtable held in Berlin.
Audio recording of the 'Economists on Brexit' debate
22 April 2016
Listen to our lively debate on the motion: 'Leaving the EU would damage Britain's economy'.
Video of CER/Real Instituto Elcano seminar on 'The geopolitics of TTIP', Madrid
21 April 2016
With a keynote speech by Jaime Garcia Legaz, Deputy Minister for International Trade, Spain
Tok FM: Jakie mogą być konsekwencje afery Panama Papers dla brytyjskiego premiera?
12 April 2016
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talks to Jakub Janiszewski of Tok FM about the potential consequences of the Panama Papers for British Prime Minister David Cameron.
Bloomberg "The Pulse": Dutch snub EU in referendum
07 April 2016
Dutch voters rebelled against a treaty between the European Union and Ukraine in a referendum on Wednesday, albeit on low turnout that fell short of the stampede that anti-EU campaigners hoped for.
UCL European Institute: John Springford on migration in the Brexit debate
31 March 2016
John Springford, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform on the economic and trade implications of free movement, and the role of migration in the referendum on Britain's EU membership.
Euractiv stakeholder workshop: What will TTIP mean for the UK?
31 March 2016
Rem Korteweg talks to Euractiv at their stakeholder workshop on: TTIP, what does it mean for the UK?
BBC World News: EU-Turkey migrant deal
17 March 2016
Clara Marina O'Donnell fellow Sophia Besch talks to BBC World News on the EU-Turkey deal negotiations at the European Council summit yesterday.