FT podcast - Rachman Review: Britain's role in a changing Europe
11 July 2024
Charles Grant, director of the London-based Centre for European Reform think-tank joins Gideon Rachman on his podcast to discuss how easy will it be for Keir Starmer, Britain’s new prime minister, to reset relations with the EU, and what impact will political disarray in France have on leadership within the bloc?
LSM.LV: Kas kopīgs Sunakam un Makronam, un kā labējā Trampa–Orbāna ass var apdraudēt ES? Intervij ar Londonas Eiropas Reformu centra direktoru
06 July 2024
Šonedēļ Eiropas politiskajā kalendārā ir divas parlamenta vēlēšanas – Francijā un Lielbritānijā. Lielbritānijā smagu zaudējumu jau piedzīvojusi 14 gadus pie varas esošā konservatīvo partija, kuras vadītājs un nu jau bijušais premjers Riši Sunaks šīs priekšlaicīgās vēlēšanas izsludināja.
Voice of America: Внеочередные выборы в британский парламент
05 July 2024
В Великобритании – досрочные выборы в парламент, грозящие полной сменой правительства. Каких последствий ждут эксперты для внутренней и внешней политики Лондона? Charles Grant, director, CER speaks to Voice of America (from 7.27mins).
Voice of America: Hungary in the chair of the EU presidency
02 July 2024
Zselyke Csaky spoke to Voice of America on what can Ukraine and Europe expect from Orban. (From 3:30 mins).
BBC Radio 4 - The World Tonight: French centrists and Left strike deals to squeeze out National Rally
01 July 2024
Charles Grant spoke to 'The World Tonight' and explained the impact a far-right French government would have on the EU.
Real Instituto Elcano: Jacques Delors y su legado en la Unión Europea. Conversación con Charles Grant
03 June 2024
La Unión Europea ha sido moldeada por numerosos líderes visionarios, entre los cuales Jacques Delors destaca por su impacto duradero. En este vídeo, Charles Powell, director del Real Instituto Elcano, dialoga con Charles Grant, director del Centre for European Reform y autor de "Delors: Inside the house that Jacques built” Sobre los logros y desafíos de Delors.
ISPI podcast: Tories ai minimi storici, Sunak annuncia le elezioni in UK - Globally
24 May 2024
Il prime minister britannico Sunak ha indetto le elezioni generali in Regno Unito per il 4 luglio, con alcuni mesi di anticipo sulla fine naturale del mandato. A cosa è dovuta questa scelta? E cosa significa per UK e Europa? Francesco Rocchetti e Silvia Boccard ne parlano con Luigi Scazzieri,...
The Spectator Podcast - Coffee House Shots: Can Lammy charm Trump?
09 May 2024
Charles Grant spoke on the Spectator podcast about David Cameron, David Lammy, Donald Trump and China.
CGTN: Charles Grant: Unlike US, EU cares about what China does
01 May 2024
CER director Charles Grant unravels the complexities between China, the US and the EU, exploring divergent interests and perspectives.
Arte: Europa 2024 - Was bewegt uns?
29 April 2024
Sander Tordoir appeared on Arte to speak about Europe's economic challenges in the upcoming European Parliament elections (from 46 mins).
ANC Digital: EU leaders to discuss how to boost growth, compete with US, China during special summit
17 April 2024
"To make progress in these areas [EU growth], you really need member-states prepared to make compromises, including to give up some of their own national sovereignty over these particular areas," said Zach Meyers, assistant director, CER.
FUTURE IS BLUE PODCAST: Europe's response to Chinese and American economic competition
17 April 2024
In this new episode hosted by Carlos Carnicero Urabayen, Sander Tordoir, Senior Economist at the Centre for European Reform, delved into the intricate dynamics of the global geopolitical landscape, the rise of economic nationalism and Europe's strategic positioning amidst the assertive manoeuvres of superpowers like the United States and China.
European Affairs Committee: UK-EU data adequacy
16 April 2024
Zach Meyers, assistant director, CER gave evidence to the House of Lords' European Affairs committee for its inquiry into UK-EU data adequacy.
Euronews: Brussels, my love? Is Europe ready for Trump in the White House?
06 April 2024
We were joined by Ian Bond, deputy director of the CER who warned that Trump was "subservient" to Putin - which is a threat to America's European allies.
TRT World: As NATO marks its 75th anniversary, is the alliance promoting peace or provoking global conflict?
04 April 2024
As the alliance marks its 75th anniversary, we ask the questions: is NATO a protector of global peace or a potential threat to it? And what does the future hold for the alliance in the next 75 years? Ian Bond, deputy director at the Centre for European Reform (from 07;10 mins)...
The World: European Union fines Apple $2 billion in antitrust case
04 March 2024
On Monday, the European Union sent a message to Apple and other tech giants: We will ensure compliance with our regulations. It followed a massive $2 billion antitrust fine for Apple. The EU had accused the tech giant of anti-competitive practices toward rival music applications on its products.
Host Carolyn Beeler...
Host Carolyn Beeler...
BNR podcast: ‘Microsoft houdt dolgraag voet aan grond op Duitse consumentenmarkt’
15 February 2024
Voor de Duitse bondskanselier Olaf Scholz komt de miljardeninvestering van Microsoft in de Duitse AI-infrastructuur als een geschenk uit de hemel. De economie van het land stagneert al min of meer vier jaar en de angst om te de-industrialiseren is enorm, zegt Sander Tordoir, senior econoom bij denktank Centre for European...
EU prepares for possible second Donald Trump presidency
18 January 2024
CNN's Rosemary Church speaks with Ian Bond of the CER about how Europe is preparing for a possible second Donald Trump presidency.
FT podcast - Rachman review: The future of Europe
04 January 2024
It's an important year for the European Union, which holds parliamentary elections in June. As geopolitical turbulence continues to test the strength of global alliances, will Europe pursue further integration or start to pull apart? Gideon discusses these questions, and the role played by European Commission presidents, past and present, with Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform in London.
Radio 4 - Last Word: Jacques Delors
31 December 2023
Charles Grant spoke with Kirsty Lang on Jacques Delors, the politician and architect of the modern EU (from 0:45).