
Sander Tordoir

BNR podcast: ‘Microsoft houdt dolgraag voet aan grond op Duitse consumentenmarkt’

15 February 2024
Voor de Duitse bondskanselier Olaf Scholz komt de miljardeninvestering van Microsoft in de Duitse AI-infrastructuur als een geschenk uit de hemel. De economie van het land stagneert al min of meer vier jaar en de angst om te de-industrialiseren is enorm, zegt Sander Tordoir, senior econoom bij denktank Centre for European...

EU prepares for possible second Donald Trump presidency

18 January 2024
CNN's Rosemary Church speaks with Ian Bond of the CER about how Europe is preparing for a possible second Donald Trump presidency.
Charles Grant

FT podcast - Rachman review: The future of Europe

04 January 2024
It's an important year for the European Union, which holds parliamentary elections in June. As geopolitical turbulence continues to test the strength of global alliances, will Europe pursue further integration or start to pull apart? Gideon discusses these questions, and the role played by European Commission presidents, past and present, with Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform in London.
Charles Grant

Radio 4 - Last Word: Jacques Delors

31 December 2023
Charles Grant spoke with Kirsty Lang on Jacques Delors, the politician and architect of the modern EU (from 0:45).
Ian Bond

Polskie Radio 24: Historyczny rok w relacjach UE z Ukrainą. Jest zielone światło dla negocjacji członkowskich

30 December 2023
Z punktu widzenia psychologicznego to było ważne. Brak pozytywnej decyzji byłby sygnałem dla Putina, że Zachód nie zgadza się, by Ukraina była jego częścią. To byłby też krok w tył ze strony Unii - podkreślił w rozmowie z Polskim Radiem Ian Bond z londyńskiego Centre for European Reform.
Future is Blue: EuroInsights: economic lessons in 2023

Future is Blue: EuroInsights: Economic lessons in 2023

20 December 2023
Sander Tordoir, Senior Economist at the Centre for European Reform, together with Raymond Torres, Funcas Europe Director in conversation with Carlos Carnicero Urabayen, Future is Blue host analyse what are the key lessons learned for the EU economy in 2023.
ivoox: The Eastern Front - What is going on with EU accession talks and Ukraine funding

ivoox: The Eastern Front - What is going on with EU accession talks and Ukraine funding

16 December 2023
This week, the EU voted on being the Ukrainian accession process. On this episode of The Eastern Front, Giselle, Dalibor, and Iulia welcome Ian Bond, the deputy director of the Centre for European Reform to discuss the likely outcomes of accession talks. How will Hungary complicate matters? What role does the...
Charles Grant

CNBC: China sees the EU as a potential partner in a multipolar world

07 December 2023
Charles Grant, director at the Centre for European Reform, discusses EU-China relations on CNBC.
ZDF Heute: Rennen um Ruttes Nachfolge

ZDF Heute: Rennen um Ruttes Nachfolge

22 November 2023
Sander Tordoir spricht von "schwebenden Wählern". 63 Prozent wissen zwei Tage vor der Wahl nicht, wo sie landen, wo sie ihr Kreuz machen. Die Milieubindung sei in den Niederlanden schon länger noch geringer als in Deutschland: Weniger Kirche, weniger Gewerkschaften.
European Affairs Committee: The implications of Russia's invasion of Ukraine for UK-EU relations

European Affairs Committee: The implications of Russia's invasion of Ukraine for UK-EU relations

08 November 2023
Luigi Scazzieri gave evidence at the European Affairs Committee on the implications of Russia's invasion of Ukraine for UK-EU relations.
Sander Tordoir

BNR Nieuwsradio: Duitse woningbouw piept en kraakt

07 November 2023
Net als de Nederlandse woningmarkt kent ook die van Duitsland problemen. En die crisis lijkt daar alleen maar erger te worden, blijkt uit cijfers van onderzoeksinstituut ifo. Duitsland kampt met een enorm piepende bouwsector, aldus Sander Tordoir, senior econoom van denktank Centre for European Reform.

Future is Blue: Trade wars on wheels? The Commission investigates Chinese electric cars

26 October 2023
Sander Tordoir, Senior Economist at the Centre for European Reform, shares great insights about the Commission investigation into Chinese state subsidies affecting cars imported to Europe. 
BBC News: EU pause in military activity is less ambitious than ceasefire

BBC News: EU pause in military activity is less ambitious than ceasefire

23 October 2023
Luigi Scazieri spoke to BBC News, "I think it's fair to say that the initial response [from the EU] was not particularly smooth. In the days immediately after the Hamas atrocities, there were visible divisions between the member-states and different parts of the EU institutions. And in particular, Commission President...
Charles Grant

The Spectator podcast: Has Brexit failed?

07 October 2023
Seven years after the Brexit vote, Katy Balls is joined for a fringe panel from the Conservative Party Conference to discuss if voting to leave the EU was worth it, where the wins are and if opportunities are being missed. Katy Balls in conversation with John Redwood MP, Theresa Villiers MP, Camilla Cavendish, Charles Grant, CER and Vote Leave founder Matthew Elliott.
Sander Tordoir

BNR Radio: Nederland heeft geen last van 'zieke' Duitse economie

03 October 2023
Nederland hoeft zich geen zorgen te maken dat de slechte staat van de Duitse economie invloed gaat hebben op de Nederlandse economie. Dat zegt Sander Tordoir senior econoom van denktank Centre for European Reform in het economenvakblad ESB. 'Er zijn structureel diepere problemen in de Duitse economie die zich nu wreken.'
Charles Grant

Sky News: What's the significance of Starmer's EU comments?

21 September 2023
"One of the benefits of Brexit is supposed to be that the British are free to set their own rules."
Sander Tordoir

European Parliament: Public hearing on the new economic governance rules fit for the future

20 September 2023
At the European Parliament’s hearing on the reform of Europe’s fiscal framework, Sander Tordoir argued

Spectator podcast: Will Starmer soften Brexit?

19 September 2023
Oscar Edmondson speaks to Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform in a podcast on where a Labour government would take British relations with the EU.
Charles Grant

Channel 4 News: Keir Starmer said he would boost growth by rewriting the Brexit deal

18 September 2023
"Will Starmer try and go beyond his red lines? The impression I get from talking to people in the Labour leadership is they know they've got to go further ...
Future is Blue: Unpacking German economic troubles

Future is Blue: Unpacking German economic troubles

06 September 2023
Is the German economy again the sick man of Europe, as it was once labelled back in the late 90s? We take a look at the current economic challenges of Germany together with Sander Tordoir, Senior Economist at the Centre for European Reform, and Raymond Torres, Funcas Europe Director.