
CER podcast: The future UK-EU relationship

Charles Grant, Sam Lowe, Katherine Pye, David Lidington
13 January 2021
Katherine Pye spoke to Charles Grant, David Lidington and Sam Lowe about what we can expect from the future UK-EU relationship.

CER end of year podcast: Reflecting on 2020

Charles Grant, Camino Mortera-Martinez, Christian Odendahl
18 December 2020
As 2020 draws to a close, Charles Grant, Christian Odendahl and Camino Mortera-Martinez look back at the year.

CER podcast: Can the EU bring its neighbouring countries further into its orbit?

Katherine Pye, Katarína Mathernová
10 December 2020
Katherine Pye spoke to Katarína Mathernová about the EU's relations with Eastern Partnership countries.

CER podcast: Can the EU use trade and investment policies to advance its strategic goals?

John Springford, Soumaya Keynes
03 December 2020
John Springford spoke to Soumaya Keynes about US trade policy and the Biden administration’s approach towards China.

CER podcast: Is Europe falling behind technologically?

Christian Odendahl, Stephanie Flanders
25 November 2020
Christian Odendahl spoke to Stephanie Flanders about Europe’s position in the worldwide tech race, the merits of European competition policy and the EU’s ability to drive up standards in the digital world.

CER podcast: How should the EU approach China?

Sophia Besch, Sir John Sawers
18 November 2020
Sophia Besch spoke to Sir John Sawers about the relationship between Europe, the US and China.

CER podcast: The global recovery from the pandemic: How can we get it right this time?

Christian Odendahl, Megan Greene
11 November 2020
Christian Odendahl spoke to Megan Greene, Harvard Kennedy School, about her thoughts on the post-COVID global recovery

CER podcast: Biden vs Trump: America's choice matters to Europe

Ian Bond, Rachel Ellehuus, Kori Schake, Sir Nigel Sheinwald
28 October 2020
Ian Bond spoke to Sir Nigel Sheinwald, Kori Schake and Rahel Ellehusus about what a second Trump term or a Biden administration would mean for Europe.

CER podcast: Europe, the US and China: A love-hate triangle?

Sophia Besch, Ian Bond, Leonard Schuette, Yu Jie
14 October 2020
This week's podcast accompanies the launch of the CER policy brief 'Europe, the US and China: A love-hate triangle?', which examines the complex triangular relations between Europe, Beijing and Washington,

CER podcast: Brexit, the Internal Market Bill and the prospects for a deal

Charles Grant, Catherine Barnard
09 October 2020
What impact does the controversial Internal Market Bill have on the UK and what is the likelihood of a UK-EU trade deal?

CER/OSEPI podcast: The new migration pact: A "fresh start" or more of the same?

Camino Mortera-Martinez, Giulia Laganà
28 September 2020
The European Commission has unveiled its much-awaited ‘new migration pact’. But just how much of it is new? Will the EU finally agree on a common migration policy?

CER podcast: What does the 2020 SOTEU speech reveal about the EU's ambition?

Charles Grant, Camino Mortera-Martinez, Christian Odendahl
18 September 2020
In this year's State of the Union address, Ursula von der Leyen laid out her plans for the EU's transition "from fragility to a new vitality".

CER podcast: Tensions rising between Turkey and EU in Eastern Mediterranean

Camino Mortera-Martinez, Luigi Scazzieri
03 September 2020
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s regional ambitions and push for control of gas resources in the Eastern Mediterranean have put Turkey on a collision course with the EU.
CER podcast: A rigged election in Belarus: Can Lukashenka cling to power?

CER podcast: A rigged election in Belarus: Can Lukashenka cling to power?

12 August 2020
Lukashenka has rigged his re-election as president of Belarus, and begun a violent crackdown on protesters rejecting the result.

CER podcast: The EU's increasingly troubled relationship with China

29 July 2020
Growing economic tensions, COVID-19, cyber attacks, disinformation, intellectual property theft, a security clamp down in Hong Kong, treatment of the Uyghurs and restrictions on Huawei:

CER podcast: Belarus may be less stable than it appears

Charles Grant, Khrystyna Parandii
17 July 2020
Lukashenka is certain to win Belarus’s presidential election. But his suppression of dissent poses a dilemma for the EU: punishing Lukashenka could help Russia to extend its sway over the country.

CER podcast: The EU's €750 billion question: How should the COVID-19 recovery fund be spent?

Christian Odendahl, John Springford
01 July 2020
European Union leaders will meet in Brussels on July 17-18 to discuss plans for a new recovery fund and long-term budget to help Europe bounce back from the COVID-19 crisis.

CER podcast: Can the EU and the UK strike a deal on their future relationship?

Charles Grant, Sam Lowe
17 June 2020
Following Monday’s meeting between Boris Johnson and the three Presidents of the EU, has a deal between the EU and UK become more or less likely? Charles Grant and Sam Lowe discuss.

CER podcast: Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic is deepening the transatlantic rift

03 June 2020
Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic is creating new friction in the transatlantic relationship and exacerbating existing differences on China, trade and defence spending. Tensions will get worse if Trump is re-elected in November.

CER podcast: A Hamilton moment?

Christian Odendahl, John Springford
22 May 2020
On 18th May, Merkel and Macron proposed a €500bn recovery fund for the EU. John Springford and Christian Odendahl discuss why it's needed, and whether reluctant countries will back it.