CER/Kreab breakfast on 'What will the European Parliament look like after the elections?'
25 April 2019
With Klaus Welle, Secretary-General, European Parliament

CER/Kreab breakfast on 'The EU-US relationship in the Trump era'
09 April 2019
With David O'Sullivan, former European Union Ambassador to the United States
Breakfast on 'The Labour Party's approach to Brexit'
03 April 2019
With Keir Starmer, Shadow Secretary of State for Exiting the EU

CER/Kreab breakfast on 'Catch me if you can: What are Europol’s priorities for the next five years?'
01 April 2019
With Catherine De Bolle, Executive Director, Europol

CER/AIG breakfast on 'China and the EU: New opportunities, new risks'
26 March 2019
With Janka Oertel, Volker Stanzel and Friedolin Strack

Breakfast on '(How) will the role of the ECJ change after Brexit?'
22 March 2019
With Eleanor Sharpston, Advocate General, Court of Justice of the European Union

Launch of 'No place for Russia: European security institutions since 1989'
13 March 2019
With William Hill, Professor Emeritus of National Security Strategy, National War College