10th birthday party event thumbnail

10th birthday party

14 February 2008
With The Rt Hon David Miliband MP. Hosted by the German Ambassador.
Launch of CER policy brief 'European retail banking: Will there ever be a single market?' event thumbnail

Launch of CER policy brief 'European retail banking: Will there ever be a single market?'

25 January 2008
Speakers included: David Shirreff, Christine Farnish, Eric Leenders, David Raikes & Nicolas Veron.
Breakfast meeting on 'Improving Europe's innovation record' event thumbnail

Breakfast meeting on 'Improving Europe's innovation record'

24 January 2008
With Janez Potocnik, European commissioner for science & research.
Launch of CER policy brief 'European retail banking: Will there ever be a single market?' event thumbnail

Launch of CER policy brief 'European retail banking: Will there ever be a single market?'

11 January 2008
With David Shirreff, Eric Ducoulombier, Nicola Jentzsch, Sebastien de Brouwer, Sacha Polverini.