Breakfast on industrial policy event thumbnail

Breakfast on industrial policy

15 July 2009
With Heinz Zourek, director-general, DG Enterprise & Industry, European Commission.
Roundtable on 'When China rules the world' event thumbnail

Roundtable on 'When China rules the world'

10 July 2009
With Martin Jacques, author of 'When China rules the world', Guardian columnist and a visiting fellow at the London School of Economics Asia Research Centre & Xinning Zong, senior research fellow at the United Nations University (UNU-CRIS), Bruges and Jean Monnet professor for European integration studies at Renmin University of...
Lunch on 'The open society and its enemies' event thumbnail

Lunch on 'The open society and its enemies'

08 July 2009
With Michael Gove MP.
Dinner on 'Intelligence sharing in the EU' event thumbnail

Dinner on 'Intelligence sharing in the EU'

06 July 2009
With William Shapcott, EU Joint Situation Centre & Sir Richard Dearlove.
11th birthday party event thumbnail

11th birthday party

29 June 2009
Speaker: The Rt Hon James Purnell MP. Hosted by the Italian ambassador.
Dinner on European defence event thumbnail

Dinner on European defence

23 June 2009
With The Rt Hon John Hutton MP, secretary of state for defence
Breakfast on emissons trading event thumbnail

Breakfast on emissons trading

18 June 2009
With Jos Delbeke, deputy director general of DG environment, European Commission.
Breakfast meeting on 'Is Europe going bust: the impact of demographic decline and the fiscal crisis?' event thumbnail

Breakfast meeting on 'Is Europe going bust: the impact of demographic decline and the fiscal crisis?'

16 June 2009
With David Willetts MP, shadow secretary of state for innovation, universities & skills.
Launch of 'Narrowing the Atlantic' event thumbnail

Launch of 'Narrowing the Atlantic'

09 June 2009
With David O'Sullivan, director-general, DG Trade, European Commission. Panellists included: Dick Cunningham, Fredrik Erixon, Sean Mulvaney & Philip Whyte.
Launch of 'Narrowing the Atlantic' event thumbnail

Launch of 'Narrowing the Atlantic'

08 June 2009
With Catherine Ashton, European commissioner for trade. Panellists included: Guy De Jonquieres, Iain MacVay, John Peet & Philip Whyte.