British exit from the EU?

EU membership

David Cameron, Janan Ganesh and renegotiating EU membership

04 March 2015
In any renegotiation with the EU, Britain should not ask for opt-outs from social policy or financial regulation. But it should seek safeguards for the single market.
Cameron's migration speech

Cameron's migration speech and EU law: Can he change the status quo?

Camino Mortera-Martinez
04 December 2014
The reforms to the benefits system proposed by Cameron will be difficult to negotiate and may require treaty change. Reforms should not lead to a Brexit.
Does a eurozone slump make Brexit more likely?

Does a eurozone slump make Brexit more likely?

Simon Tilford
10 November 2014
Eurozone stagnation will encourage migration to Britain, boost its EU budget contributions, and rebalance its trade towards non-EU markets. This will embolden eurosceptics.
Would Britain’s trade be freer outside the EU?

Would Britain’s trade be freer outside the EU?

16 October 2014
A post-‘Brexit’ Britain would struggle to make up for foregone trade opportunities with the EU by signing trade agreements with non-European countries.
A UK without Scotland

A UK without Scotland

12 September 2014
If the Scots vote to leave the United Kingdom, what is left of it will be more likely to leave the EU.
Boris Johnson, Gerard Lyons and policy-based evidence making

Boris Johnson, Gerard Lyons and policy-based evidence making

11 August 2014
Conservatives say that leaving the EU would be better than the status quo, but where is the evidence?
EU enlargement

EU enlargement

31 July 2014
A number of member-states are unenthusiastic about further EU enlargement, but has the EU grown as much as it is going to?
An open letter to David Cameron

An open letter to David Cameron

29 July 2014
David Cameron will have to work hard to detoxify the British brand, if he wants to persuade other member-states to help him reform the EU.
Will the eurozone gang up on Britain?

Will the eurozone gang up on Britain?

14 July 2014
Britain's eurosceptics and its continental critics agree that the eurozone will push it out of the EU. But eurozone and UK interests are more aligned than opposed.
Juncker battle

Why the push to install Juncker is so damaging

John Springford, Simon Tilford
23 June 2014
The battle for Juncker does not pit the British against Europe's democrats. It is a power grab by the European Parliament, combined with self-interested haggling by governments.

The economic consequences of leaving the EU

The final report of the CER commission on the UK and the EU single market
09 June 2014
A group of experts finds that, after leaving the EU, the UK would face an invidious choice: sign up to the single market’s rules, or suffer economic damage.In April 2016 an updated version of the report The economic consequences of leaving the EU: The final report of the CER commission on Brexit 2016 was published.
The consequences of Brexit for the City of London

The consequences of Brexit for the City of London

John Springford, Philip Whyte
08 May 2014
If Britain leaves the EU, the City of London will lose access to European markets – unless the UK aligns its financial rules with those of the EU.
Why a British exit is not inevitable

Why a British exit is not inevitable

17 April 2014
Lord Ashcroft’s polling shows that pro-Europeans can win an in/out referendum. But what are the best arguments to use in such a campaign?
Why Cameron's timing on EU reform is off

Why Cameron's timing on EU reform is off

Rem Korteweg
26 March 2014
Cameron may face an EU reform deal when the new Commission takes office later this year, threatening his renegotiation strategy.
French federalists propose a Euro Community

French federalists propose a Euro Community

03 March 2014
A group of French thinkers wants to establish a federal 'Euro Community'. Their scheme could harm the single market and make Britain's position in the EU uncomfortable.
Sherlock and the European catastrophe

Sherlock and the European catastrophe

Hugo Brady
20 February 2014
The prime minister takes advice on his European policy from an unusual source on the eve of a British referendum.
Britain's populist arms race over immigration

Britain's populist arms race over immigration

John Springford, Simon Tilford
27 January 2014
Britain's immigration debate is damaging the country's economic and political interests. It will also make it harder for David Cameron to renegotiate the terms of Britain's EU membership in a way that satisfies Tory eurosceptics.