Transatlantic relations

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Clear skies across the Atlantic

Nick DeLuca
02 June 2003
When asked recently by the chairman of the UK House of Commons Transport Select Committee, 'Is the government's policy towards aviation a UK policy or a European one?', Alistair Darling, the transport secretary, slightly sheepishly acknowledged, 'Sometimes it's one, sometimes it's the other.'
Bulletin issue 30

Issue 30 - 2003

Charles Grant, Nick DeLuca, Steven Everts, Daniel Keohane
30 May 2003
Transatlantic relations

The decline of American power

01 April 2003
Saddam Hussein notwithstanding, most of the world's problems cannot be solved by military force. Their solution requires 'soft power', which can be defined as a country's ability to influence events through persuasion and attraction, rather than military or financial coercion. A country has more soft power if its culture, values...
Bulletin issue 29

Issue 29 - 2003

Charles Grant, Pervenche Bérès MEP, Pierre Hassner
28 March 2003
New designs for Europe

New designs for Europe

Charles Grant, Katinka Barysch, Steven Everts, Heather Grabbe, Peter Hain, Ben Hall, Daniel Keohane, Alasdair Murray
04 October 2002
Everybody agrees that the EU's institutions are in bad need of reform. In the Convention on the Future of Europe, and elsewhere, a real debate has begun on how Europe should be governed.

The long road to Doha

Richard Cunningham and Peter Lichtenbaum
01 February 2002
The launch of a new round of multilateral trade negotiations by the World Trade Organisation (WTO) at Doha was not only a major accomplishment, it was a case of snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. As recently as six months ago, few would have predicted that the world's trading...
Constructive duplication

Constructive duplication: Reducing EU reliance on US military assets

Dr Kori Schake
04 January 2002
In 'Constructive duplication', Kori Schake asserts that the Bush administration has taken a positive approach to the European Union's attempts to develop a military capability.
US, EU and Russia: A new order?

US, EU and Russia: A new order?

01 October 2001
In the aftermath of September 11th's horrific events, the world has focused on America's diplomatic and military response. Some of the security issues that commentators were worrying about before the terrorist attacks - such as missile defence, the Balkans and the future of NATO - have left the headlines.

A focused campaign not a crusade

By Steven Everts
01 October 2001
As America comes to terms with the massive terrorist attacks on September 11, and as it frames and implements its response, the key question for Europe is: what should its role be?
Bulletin issue 20

Issue 20 - 2001

Charles Grant, Steven Everts, Ben Hall
28 September 2001
Policing global competition

Policing global competition

Edward Bannerman
01 August 2001
The fall-out from the European Commission's decision to veto the proposed $42 billion merger between General Electric and Honeywell shows how competition policy is becoming politicised.
EU should duplicate NATO assets

EU should duplicate NATO assets

Kori Schake
01 June 2001
Many American policy-makers are worried that the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) could undermine NATO and damage the transatlantic relationship.
Unilateral America? Lightweight Europe?

Unilateral America? Lightweight Europe? Managing divergence in transatlantic foreign policy

Steven Everts
02 February 2001
The election of George W Bush as the new US President has caused uneasiness in Europe, both at the level of individual states and that of the European Union (EU). Bush has assembled an impressive team to work on foreign policy, including Colin Powell as the new Secretary of State,...
Turning East

Turning East: Europe Courts Asia

Edward Bannerman
01 February 2001
The United States has long cast its shadow over the formal meetings of Asian and European ministers. "How will this play in Washington?" was the unspoken caveat to the normally unexciting conclusions of most Asian-Europe Meetings (ASEM).

The January ASEM gathering of finance ministers in Kobe, Japan, suggests that this...
Europe must learn to work with Bush

Europe must learn to work with Bush

Steven Everts
01 December 2000
Europeans will react with a mixture of scepticism and hope to George W. Bush’s victory in this year’s cliffhanger elections. The vast majority of European policy-makers expect US diplomacy to become somewhat more adversarial in style and Eurosceptic in substance.
Opening the US defence market

Opening the US defence market

Alex Ashourne
03 November 2000
Many European defence companies aspire to gain access to the US defence market. America has the largest defence budget in the world – some $280 billion, or 3.3 per cent of GDP in 2000 – and is the source of much of the world's most advanced defence technology.
Intimate relations: Can Britain play a leading role in European defence

Intimate relations: Can Britain play a leading role in European defence - and keep its special links to US intelligence?

05 May 2000
One of the most constant features of the geopolitical landscape is the special relationship between London and Washington on intelligence matters. One of the most rapidly changing and unpredictable elements of that landscape is the emergence of a European Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP).
Europe and missile defence

Europe and missile defence

03 April 2000
On each side of the Atlantic a new defence initiative is seen from the other side as unnecessary, confusing and worrying: the Europeans' plan for a European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) and the Americans' plan for National Missile Defense (NMD).
Open the US defence market

Open the US defence market

Alexandra Ashbourne
01 February 2000
The consolidation of Europe's defence industry continues apace, with the creation of a Franco-German-Spanish combine, EADS, being the most significant move to date.
Bulletin issue 10

Issue 10 - 2000

Charles Grant, Liz Barrett, Alexandra Ashbourne
28 January 2000