Schengen, free movement & immigration policy

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France Culture: Bruxelles, et après ?

Camino Mortera-Martinez
14 June 2015
Interview de Camino Mortera-Martinez, chercheuse au Centre for European Reform, un think tank londonien. 
Le 14 juin 1985, les accords de Schengen étaient signés par les cinq Etat membres de la Communauté économique européenne d'alors. Ils sont entrés en vigueur en 1995 et 26 Etats dont 22 membres de l'Union européenne...

Ni efecto llamada ni política común

Camino Mortera-Martinez
20 April 2015
El Pais
El rifirrafe entre los países del norte y sur de Europa ha llevado a un operativo en alta mar restringido que explica el aumento de muertes.

When you join the EU you make a deal – Switzerland needs to remember that

19 January 2015
The Guardian
Swiss attempts to limit EU immigration may succeed but, as UK Eurosceptics should note, reneging on a bargain can bring dire consequences.

Schengen 2018

08 October 2013
SOZOPOL, July 20, 2018 1.15pm BST(Reuters) The future of the EU's 28-country Schengen area looked uncertain last night as members quarrelled over whether to admit Croatia to the club.

Video interview on 'Is immigration a reason for Britain to leave the EU?

01 October 2013
John Springford discusses his latest policy brief on the impact of EU migration on Britain’s economy: 'Is immigration a reason for Britain to leave the EU?'

The Tories' political cul-de-sac on EU migration

08 August 2013
Right from the start, EU immigration was the glaringly obvious hole in David Cameron’s pledge to "reduce net immigration into the UK from the hundreds to the tens of thousands".

Britian's migration delusion

26 June 2013
Right from the start, EU immigration was the glaringly obvious hole in David Cameron’s pledge to “reduce net immigration into the UK from the hundreds to the tens of thousands”.

The Schengen crisis in the framework of the Arab Spring

19 December 2012
European Institute of the Mediterranean
The Schengen area – the EU's zone of passport-free travel, which benefits 650 million travellers annually –is in trouble.

Schengen's 'black swan' moment?

19 December 2011
Europe's leaders are - understandably - focused on the euro crisis, pretty much to the exclusion of all else. But policy-makers should beware another calamity in 2012: a possible breakdown of the EU's Schengen zone of passport-free travel. Undoubtedly, these two troubled flagships of European integration share parallels. For a...

Why the EU needs a migration organisation

01 June 2011
European Voice
A European Migration Organisation would help the EU develop clearer responses to migration. EU leaders will discuss reform of the Schengen area at their summit next week (23-24 June).

Sarkozy-Berlusconi: A border control farce

29 April 2011
The Guardian
When Nicolas Sarkozy and Silvio Berlusconi announced plans to weaken passport-free travel in Europe this week, many onlookers concluded that the EU's most tangible achievement, the Schengen zone, was going the way of the single currency.
This is unlikely. Like the euro, the Schengen area, where passport checks were abolished in...

Wanted: An EU migration policy

04 January 2008
With the European Commission pushing its blue card work permit scheme and France calling for an EU pact on migration, Hugo Brady of the Centre for European Reform asks whether the Union is - at last - about to move beyond rhetoric to action.

Europe's crime without frontiers

21 June 2006
The Yorkshire Post
Europol, the European Union's police office, has warned governments of a clear and present threat from transnational gangs trafficking in arms, drugs and people; as well as running counterfeiting and money-laundering rackets.