EU institutions & treaties

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EU Yellow card

The EU's 'yellow card' comes of age: Subsidiarity unbound?

Hugo Brady
12 November 2013
National parliamentarians' rejection of a proposed prosecutor for the EU marks their arrival as serious players in how the Union is governed.
The 2014 European elections: Why a partisan Commission president would be bad fo

The 2014 European elections: Why a partisan Commission president would be bad for the EU

Heather Grabbe, Stefan Lehne
14 October 2013
A strong, independent, non-partisan Commission is vital for the EU and the euro. If political parties nominate its next president, the Commission could not referee EU rules.
How to build a modern European Union

How to build a modern European Union

Charles Grant, Clara Marina O'Donnell, John Springford, Stephen Tindale, Katinka Barysch, Hugo Brady, David Buchan, Philip Whyte
10 October 2013
The CER proposes reforming the EU’s policies and institutions, to foster a more dynamic European economy and to make decision-making more accountable.
Continuity and change Germany's EU policy thumbnail

Continuity and change in Germany's EU policy

06 September 2013
Germany's EU policy is shifting. It will seek a 'grand bargain' with France but be tougher on the Commission. Treaty change is moving off the agenda.
What is wrong with the European Commission? thumbnail

What is wrong with the European Commission?

27 June 2013
The Commission should be strong and independent. But as it becomes dependent on the European Parliament, it is losing the respect of national capitals.
Priorities for EU development aid

Priorities for EU development aid

Stephen Tindale
14 June 2013
The European Commission should manage more development aid. This should be spent on programmes which best meet human needs, irrespective of foreign policy priorities.
Can national parliaments make the EU legitimate?

Can national parliaments make the EU more legitimate?

10 June 2013
The euro crisis has hit the EU's legitimacy. Part of the answer is to give national parliamentarians a bigger role in the EU.
The EU's Rubik's cube: Who will lead after 2014?

The EU's Rubik's cube: Who will lead after 2014?

Hugo Brady
03 April 2013
The EU will appoint new leaders after the 2014 European elections. Who are the likely candidates and are they suitable?
Germany & Treaty change

Germany’s plans for treaty change – and what they mean for Britain

28 March 2013
Germany is no longer pushing for a new EU treaty. This makes it harder for David Cameron to renegotiate the terms of British membership.
Annual Report 2012

Annual report 2012

08 February 2013
Charles Grant analyses Britain's difficult relationship with the EU and looks back on what the CER did in 2012.
Much ado about little: Britain and the EU budget

Much ado about little: Britain and the EU budget

07 November 2012
Britain is expending considerable political capital on freezing the EU budget. It would be best to push for reform of how the budget is spent.
Political Union

Alice in euroland: What political union for the single currency?

Philip Whyte
09 October 2012
The eurozone needs to be embedded in a 'political union' if it is to work better. The question is: what sort of political union?
François Hollande

Hollande, the Germans and 'political union'

25 September 2012
François Hollande wants a more equal Franco-German relationship. But tensions over managing the eurozone crisis and reforming EU treaties are straining that relationship.
Europe's External Action Service: Ten steps towards a credible EU foreign policy

Europe's External Action Service: Ten steps towards a credible EU foreign policy

Edward Burke
04 July 2012
The EU's new diplomatic service has been widely criticised. Although the EEAS has achieved more than many acknowledge, it can still do a lot better.
The EU & corruption

The EU must fight corruption and defend the rule of law

Hugo Brady
14 June 2012
Policy-makers in Brussels worry increasingly about corruption, national mal-administration and the rule of law in the EU. New thinking is needed to address such concerns.
Ireland's fiscal treaty referendum

Ireland's fiscal treaty referendum: (More) fear and loathing in the eurozone?

Hugo Brady
11 May 2012
Ireland votes on the EU’s new fiscal compact on May 31st. Hugo Brady assesses the chances of a Yes and the consequences of a No.
The European Union budget 2014-20

The European Union budget 2014-20: More boldness needed

Stephen Tindale, John Peet
05 April 2012
Economic circumstances will make EU budget negotiations even more difficult than usual. Britain, France and Germany should drop their normal preconditions.
The UK-EU split: The impact on Central Europe thumbnail

The UK-EU split: The impact on Central Europe

Tomas Valasek
13 December 2011
The UK decision to boycott the new EU treaty has left like-minded countries in Central European in weaker position to resist France's etatist tendencies.
Britain on the edge of Europe thumbnail

Britain on the edge of Europe

09 December 2011
The Brussels agreement on December 9th will weaken British influence in the EU and could damage the single market.
Monnet loses to de Gaulle

Monnet loses to de Gaulle

28 November 2011
The euro crisis is transforming the balance of power in Europe. Germany is emerging, for the first time in the EU’s history, as the unquestioned leader. France is having to adjust to a subordinate role. The euro countries are likely to integrate more closely, leading to a two-speed Europe. Britain...