Issue 88 - 2013
Leaving the EU will not set Britain's economy free
25 January 2013
EU membership, British eurosceptics are fond of asserting, has become the principal obstacle to the country's prosperity. The regulatory and other costs of membership have ratcheted relentlessly upwards, just as the economic benefits of trading with an ageing and sclerotic region have fallen. Britain, to use a term now very much in vogue, has "shackled itself to a corpse".
Why the EU should support France in the Sahel
25 January 2013
"Now what?," asked US General Carter Ham after he heard about the French assault in Mali. Europeans are asking the same question. Jihadist rebels in Mali have forced the hand of France and Europe. A regional spillover is becoming more likely. Europe should step in to avoid this...
Can Turkey and the UK learn from each other's EU strategies?
25 January 2013
David Cameron's Conservative Party wants to renegotiate Britain's membership of the EU, hoping to obtain a looser, more flexible relationship. Turkey may also soon ask for a new kind of 'associate membership'. Although there are different, and deep-rooted reasons for euroscepticism in each country, Turkey and the UK...