Issue 58 - 2008
My five ideas for Europe's future
01 February 2008
To dismiss history is usually a mistake. But in one respect, at least, history weighs down on Europe in a manner that crushes its promise and potential. After a dismal century in which the continent was torn apart by men with vision and certainties, a reaction was inevitable.
Bad omens loom over Irish referendum
01 February 2008
Ireland's voters have a crucial decision to make on the future of the EU – in May or June this year – when they vote in the only referendum on the Treaty of Lisbon.
Poland’s bold new foreign policy
01 February 2008
For the rest of Europe, the worst thing about Poland’s Law and Justice government, led by Jaroslaw Kaczynski, was its foreign policy. His approach towards Russia, Germany and (sometimes) the EU – supported by his twin brother, President Lech Kaczynski – was confrontational.