Issue 27 - 2002
The EU's budget: Time to go back to basics
02 December 2002
The EU's summit in November descended into a nasty row between EU leaders about the Union's finances. The dilemma member-states face is how to finance enlargement the accession of ten, poorer countries without taking funds away from current EU members or pushing spending above the existing budget ceiling of 1.27 per cent of EU GDP.
A credible competition process
02 December 2002
The European Commission's handling of competition policy is facing a crisis of credibility. In the last six months, the Commission which had never previously lost a merger case has suffered three reversals in the European Court of Justice.
Why Europe does not need a new president
02 December 2002
Powerful political forces in the Convention on the future of Europe and elsewhere, are calling for the appointment of a president of the European Council.