Bulletin 2

Issue 2 - 1998

Transparency is no panacea?

Transparency is no panacea?

Maurice Fraser
01 October 1998
We all want openness and accountability, but let's be clear that they don't guarantee the most effective method of Government. Several of the objectives we set for the European Union - an efficient single market; a single currency which commands public confidence and proves a reliable store of value; a...
Will EMU lead to political union?

Will EMU lead to political union?

Ed Smith
01 October 1998
In the recent history of Europe, from Jean Monnet's plan for a European Coal and Steel Community in1950 to today's European Union, one pattern seems clear: where economic integration leads, political integration will eventually follow.
EMU, it is argued, will continue this trend-except on a far bigger scale. The euro will...
A new model of European integration

A new model of European integration

Ben Hall
01 October 1998
Europe may be moving towards a new kind of integration, based on inter-governmental co-operation, peer-group pressure and bench-marking.
Elect the Commission

Elect the Commission

01 October 1998
The European Commission enjoys little legitimacy in the eyes of most Europeans. So long as it is run by appointed politicians it will continue to be seen as a remote and overbearing bureaucracy.
25 September 1998
Issue number 
Charles Grant, Ben Hall, Maurice Fraser, Ed Smith