Bulletin issue 103 August/September 2015

Issue 103 - 2015

Greek foreign policy: The next ruin?

Greek foreign policy: The next ruin?

Ian Bond, Rem Korteweg
27 July 2015
Grexit could create a foreign policy mess for Europe. Despite its Russophilia, Syriza's current foreign policy may be the best on offer.
How to keep Greece in

How to keep Greece in

Christian Odendahl
27 July 2015
Unless the eurozone invests economically and politically in the future of Greece, the country's future in the single currency remains in doubt.
Could eurozone integration damage the single market?

Could eurozone integration damage the single market?

27 July 2015
Britain fears that the eurozone could caucus and impose rules on the EU single market. So David Cameron is asking for safeguards to protect the market.
27 July 2015
Issue number 
Charles Grant, Christian Odendahl, Ian Bond, Rem Korteweg