Ukraine after the elections: Democracy and the barrel of a gun
has lost control of parts of its industrial heartland, as well as Crimea. The
question is whether there will now be a government in Kyiv that can make a
success of the rest of the country. There are reasons for concern.
good news is that most of Ukraine voted for a new parliament on October 26th.
Pro-European parties backing President Petro Poroshenko and Prime Minister
Arseniy Yatsenyuk won a majority of the 423 seats contested (which excluded
occupied areas). More than 900 international observers monitored voting; they
described it as "an amply contested election that offered voters real choice". The
Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, said grudgingly that the elections
seemed to be valid, though not in every part of Ukraine.
first piece of bad news is that Russian forces and their local proxies did not
give Ukrainians in the occupied parts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions the chance
to cast a ballot. Instead, on November 2nd the separatists organised
sham elections in the self-proclaimed statelets. These polls were criticised by
the EU, the US and the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe. The
Russian foreign ministry, however, said that Russia respected "the declaration
of the will of people in south-eastern Ukraine".
15 per cent of the Ukrainian population lives in the areas Russia controls (or used
to live there – the UN estimates that the conflict has created over 900,000
refugees or internally-displaced persons). Ukraine, while asserting its territorial
integrity de jure, is effectively
challenging Russia to take responsibility for these areas: on November 15th,
Poroshenko ordered state institutions in the occupied territories, including
schools and hospitals, to close, and banks to cease operations. Poroshenko's
action is understandable: he could not control what was happening in the area.
But he risks consolidating the division between the self-proclaimed Donetsk and
Luhansk 'People's Republics' and the rest of Ukraine.
second piece of bad news is that the potential coalition partners are wrangling
over the composition of the government, including which party should fill the
important posts of interior minister and finance minister. The president’s 'Petro Poroshenko Bloc' has the most MPs, with the prime minister's 'People's
Front' as runner up. Between them they have 214 seats, a narrow parliamentary majority.
Important reforms such as devolving powers to the regions will require constitutional
changes, for which 300 votes are needed. So coalition talks include three smaller
parties (including the far-right 'Radical Party', which argues for Ukraine to
have nuclear weapons).
Ukraine needs, immediately, is a competent government with honest ministers,
rather than one designed to divide the spoils among its constituent parties. The
coalition parties should sink their differences and install a government based
on ability and integrity rather than party affiliation. For most of the last
two decades Ukraine was a case study in post-Soviet poor governance. The new
government must do better. Fighting the corruption for which Ukraine has been
famous will demand both government transparency and effective law enforcement. An
EU mission will start work on December 1st on police and judicial
reform; the EU should also attach advisers to ministries and agencies to help
them combat corruption.
third problem is a collapsing economy. The European Bank for Reconstruction and
Development forecast in September that Ukrainian GDP would fall by 9 per cent
this year and a further 3 per cent in 2015; meanwhile inflation will rise
from minus 0.3 per cent in 2013 to 11.8 per cent this year. The current account
deficit is undergoing a forced correction, from 9.2 per cent of GDP last year
to 2.5 per cent in 2014, through a painful contraction in imports. The value of
the hryvnia has fallen by almost 50 per cent this year, making imports
impossibly expensive.
theory, the devaluation of the currency should help Ukrainian exporters.
Unfortunately, the Russian market, which absorbed around a quarter of Ukraine's
exports in 2013, is now effectively closed; and as long as much of Ukraine's
heavy industry in the east cannot operate, Ukraine's export potential will be
Ukrainian government cannot cope without international help. The $17 billion (€14 billion) IMF package and the €11 billion mixture of EU grants and loans agreed
earlier in the year are insufficient. Yields on Ukrainian government bonds are
over 18 per cent, with investors assuming a high probability of default. A
senior American official suggested recently that Ukraine would need an extra
$10-15 billion in 2015 alone. The US itself has been niggardly, giving around
$1.3 billion in loan guarantees and grants; both Washington and its
international partners need to do more for Ukraine to have a chance of
succeeding. The EU should not have delayed implementation of its association
agreement with Ukraine under Russian pressure. It should now do everything
possible to accelerate Ukraine's convergence with EU standards and regulations. Then Ukraine can re-orient its economic
ties westwards (as Georgia did, successfully, after its war with Russia in 2008).
the ceasefire agreed in September has broken down. According to NATO, Russian
forces and equipment are again crossing Ukraine's border. The Russians' aim may
only be to consolidate their hold, and perhaps straighten out some 'kinks' in
the front line (for example by taking the town of Shchastya, home to a power
plant supplying almost all the Luhansk region's electricity, or they may intend
something more ambitious, such as capturing the port city of Mariupol and the
rest of the coastline between there and Crimea (which is proving hard to supply
by ship from Russia). Poroshenko has said that Ukraine is prepared for a
"scenario of total war" with Russia; but in reality, while Ukrainian
forces could certainly inflict large-scale casualties on attacking forces, they
could not resist an all-out invasion from better equipped and more numerous
Russian forces.
far, Western leaders have refused to do much to increase Ukraine's military
capability, hiding behind the mantra that "there is no military
solution" to the conflict, and suggesting that arms supplies might
encourage Kyiv to think that there is. But as long as Ukrainian forces are so much
weaker than Russian forces, there is indeed a military solution: outright
Russian victory. The best way to deter further Russian advances is to help
Ukraine with equipment, training and intelligence, so that the domestic
political cost of victory for Russia, in casualties incurred, becomes
prohibitively high.
commentators like Henry Kissinger often assert that Ukraine matters more to
Russia than to Europe or the United States. A strong case could be made,
however, that the success of Ukraine matters more to the West than it does to
Russia. The EU and NATO would be better off with a prosperous, stable nation of
45 million people next door, rather than a corrupt, unstable economic
basket-case. The West should be prepared to invest in achieving the right
outcomes by both strengthening the government-controlled parts of Ukraine and
preventing Russia from further demolishing the country.
Ian Bond
Director of foreign policy, Centre for European Reform
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