Sander Tordoir
Sander Tordoir
Chief economist
Areas of expertise
Eurozone monetary and fiscal policy, the institutional architecture of EMU, European integration and Germany’s role in the EU.
Chinese exports threaten Europe even more than the US
07 June 2024
Biden is right to heed working class voters in Pennsylvania. The Continent, which has even more to lose from a second China shock, better start listening to its workers too.
It's up to the EU to hold back the great tech decoupling
03 May 2024
EU countries can no longer ignore growing pressure from countries seeking a tougher line on China, nor can they ignore China’s efforts to replace Western firms in high-tech supply chains.
Arte: Europa 2024 - Was bewegt uns?
29 April 2024
Sander Tordoir appeared on Arte to speak about Europe's economic challenges in the upcoming European Parliament elections (from 46 mins).
FUTURE IS BLUE PODCAST: Europe's response to Chinese and American economic competition
17 April 2024
In this new episode hosted by Carlos Carnicero Urabayen, Sander Tordoir, Senior Economist at the Centre for European Reform, delved into the intricate dynamics of the global geopolitical landscape, the rise of economic nationalism and Europe's strategic positioning amidst the assertive manoeuvres of superpowers like the United States and China.
CER Podcast: Can Berlin and Brussels disentangle their economy from China’s grasp?
27 March 2024
Sander Tordoir and Shahin Vallée discuss China and Germany's relationship.
BNR podcast: ‘Microsoft houdt dolgraag voet aan grond op Duitse consumentenmarkt’
15 February 2024
Voor de Duitse bondskanselier Olaf Scholz komt de miljardeninvestering van Microsoft in de Duitse AI-infrastructuur als een geschenk uit de hemel. De economie van het land stagneert al min of meer vier jaar en de angst om te de-industrialiseren is enorm, zegt Sander Tordoir, senior econoom bij denktank Centre for European...
Alemania debe tomarse más en serio la desvinculación de la UE de China
El Pais
30 January 2024
La considerable ventaja de Donald Trump en las encuestas sobre el presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, es un presagio de dolor económico para Europa, sobre todo para la mayor economía del continente.
Germany needs to take the EU's de-risking from China more seriously
Internationale Politik Quarterly
24 January 2024
With another Trump presidency in the offing, Europe and Germany need to accelerate their efforts to reduce their economic dependencies on China.
Europa ist auf Trump nicht vorbereitet
Die Zeit
23 January 2024
Exportabhängigkeit und Handelsüberschuss: Die Probleme zwischen der EU und China sind schon groß genug. Trump könnte die europäische Wirtschaft in die Krise stürzen.
CER review of 2023: What's next for Europe?
20 December 2023
Eight of our researchers reflect on the past year and look ahead to 2024.