John Springford

John Springford

Associate fellow
Areas of expertise 

Britain and Europe, migration and labour markets, the single market and supply side reform, international trade, the euro, fiscal and monetary policy.

The CER commission on the UK and the single market

The CER commission on the UK and the single market

07 June 2013
The CER's commission was launched this week. Policy experts, economists and business people will examine the economic case for and against EU membership.
Europe's trade strategy: Promise or peril?

Europe's trade strategy: Promise or peril?

TGAE report
02 May 2013
Europe's growth strategy is based on a larger trade surplus with the rest of the world, to make up for slow domestic growth, as consumers are weighed down by debt.
Central and East European migrants are a boon for Britain

Central and East European migrants are a boon for Britain

25 March 2013
When economies are struggling, governments find it difficult to resist calls for protectionism of one form or another. The British government is trying to erect barriers to immigration.
The UK and the single market file thumbnail

The UK and the single market

15 March 2013
There is no threshold beyond which the removal of trade barriers becomes ineffective, at least in economic terms. Barriers to trade are numerous, and eliminating them is a potentially limitless process.
the ECB done enough to save the euro?

Has the ECB done enough to save the euro?

25 January 2013
The ECB may have done enough to stop euro break-up for now, but markets are likely to test its willingness to buy government debt.
Austerity report

Europe's future in an age of austerity

18 December 2012
The CER invited leading economists and policy-makers to debate the implications of fiscal austerity for economic, political and monetary stability.
Much ado about little: Britain and the EU budget

Much ado about little: Britain and the EU budget

07 November 2012
Britain is expending considerable political capital on freezing the EU budget. It would be best to push for reform of how the budget is spent.
How to build European services markets

How to build European services markets

28 September 2012
European services markets are still overwhelmingly national. There are big economic gains to be made from opening them up. 
Europe’s leaders are casting around for ways to improve the EU’s economic performance. In the long term, a more integrated single market for services could improve Europe’s weak productivity growth. The...
Britain should not go Swiss

Britain should not go Swiss

10 July 2012
Some British eurosceptics want the UK to be like Norway and Switzerland: semi-detached from the EU. They should be careful what they wish for.
Some sorts of austerity are better than others

Some sorts of austerity are better than others

01 June 2012
Governments in the eurozone's periphery are making indiscriminate cuts. Reducing spending that does little to support demand and recycling it into investment would help.