Elisabetta Cornago

Elisabetta Cornago

Senior research fellow - On maternity leave until August 2024
Areas of expertise 

EU energy and climate policy


A G7 energy tariff on Russia would be better than a price cap

A G7 energy tariff on Russia would be better than a price cap

11 July 2022
A price cap on Russian oil would cut Russia’s income, but a tariff would help governments support households and businesses dealing with high energy prices.

The EU emissions trading system after the energy price spike

04 April 2022
EU emissions trading needs an upgrade: the EU should tighten the cap on emissions more rapidly, expand to road transport and buildings, and spend higher revenues on subsidising green investment.

Europe must stop paying for Russia's war

30 March 2022
Putin wants Europe to pay for gas in roubles, forcing it to deal with Russia’s central bank. Europe should respond by ending Russian hydrocarbon imports sooner than planned.
High energy prices threaten the EU emissions trading system

High energy prices threaten the EU emissions trading system

23 March 2022
EU member-states should not stop the expansion of emissions trading to keep a lid on energy prices. Instead, they should increase income support for poorer households and incentives for green investment.
Russia's war on Ukraine: There is worse to come (for the West as well)

Russia's war on Ukraine: There is worse to come (for the West as well)

17 March 2022
The EU has reacted robustly to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. But it must now mitigate the economic, social and political consequences, which will hit ordinary citizens and challenge Western cohesion.
How to make the new emissions trading system work for consumers

How to make the new emissions trading system work for consumers

04 March 2022
Extending the Emissions Trading System to buildings and road transport can cut emissions and help poor households if all revenues are devoted to income support and green investment.

Ditchley conference report: The politics of climate change

02 February 2022
Climate change is as much a political problem as a technological one, and the CER's annual economics conference focused on ways to overcome inertia, denial and myopia.
How carbon pricing can decarbonise European heavy industry

How carbon pricing can decarbonise European heavy industry

13 January 2022
To decarbonise heavy industry, the EU needs a high and stable carbon price, an end to free emission permits, a level-playing field with foreign competitors, and support for green investment.

A permanent EU recovery fund can help Poland change

29 November 2021
The EU’s climate ambitions will add tension to its relationship with Poland. Making the EU’s recovery fund permanent would provide stronger incentives for Poland to embrace the energy transition.

Why the EU's recovery fund should be permanent

11 November 2021
The recovery fund will raise growth, and member-states’ investments and reforms are largely the right ones. But to make a big difference to climate change, the fund needs to be permanent and much larger.