Camino Mortera-Martinez
Camino Mortera-Martinez

Head of the Brussels office
Areas of expertise
EU law, EU politics and institutions and EU justice and home affairs.
CER podcast: Security after Brexit
14 March 2018
Sophia Besch asks Camino Mortera-Martinez about future UK-EU justice and home affairs co-operation.
Spanish constitution needs overhaul to avert Catalonia crisis
EU Observer
09 October 2017
Television footage of Guardia Civil officers in riot gear manhandling Catalonian citizens as they tried to vote in Sunday's independence referendum has shocked Europe.
CER podcast: Security co-operation after Brexit
30 June 2017
Sophia Besch talks to Camino Mortera-Martinez about how to keep Britain plugged into Europol and European criminal databases.
BBC Sunday Politics: Camino Mortera-Martinez on Brexit neogitations
02 May 2017
Camino Mortera-Martinez talks to BBC Sunday Politics on the EU summit and the forthcoming Brexit neogitations.
Camino Mortera-Martinez — Wonk of the Week
20 April 2017
In this new Playbook feature we'll shine a spotlight each Thursday on an author posting interesting content on Based in Brussels, Camino Mortera-Martinez works for the Centre for European Reform.
CER podcast: CER researchers discuss the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome
24 March 2017
CER researchers discuss the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome. The EU has a great past, but what will its leaders do about its many challenges in the future?
CER podcast: What free movement means to Europe and why it matters to Britain
16 February 2017
Discussion on the politics and economics that underlie differing views of free movement in the UK and Europe.
CER podcast: Rob Wainwright and Camino Mortera-Martinez on Europol and UK-EU security co-operation
27 January 2017
Camino Mortera-Martinez talks to Rob Wainwright about the work of Europol on counter-terrorism and migration, the future of his agency and the effects of Brexit on UK-EU security co-operation.
RTVE: Europa abierta - Un año de los atentados de París. ¿Se ha reforzado realmente la seguridad europea?
11 November 2016
The CER's Camino Mortera-Martinez speaks to one year on from the terrorist attacks in Paris.
The Wonk: Britain will struggle to make EU migrants 'go home'
03 November 2016
The interviewed CER research fellow, Camino Mortera-Martinez on 'Britain will struggle to make EU migrants 'go home'.