Brexit masterplan: The ONE key demand Donald Trump will make to strike trade deal with UK

Press quote (The Express)
Sam Lowe
20 August 2019

Trade expert Sam Lowe claimed Mr Trump will demand a key aspect is included in the negotiations before he agrees to sign a new deal with London.

Speaking to BBC Brexitcast, Mr Lowe said: "The issues of this don’t really matter, it’s the political ones that matter. Will the US really do an agreement with the UK that excludes ?

"I think we know the answer to that is very unlikely."

He continued: "One of the reasons we know that is the EU actually offered Trump an agreement with the EU that excluded agriculture and focused on cars as a way of both parties rowing back from the escalating trade war.

"The US said no. So is the US going to offer something to the UK that it just rejected when offered the same thing by the EU? I don’t think so.