Issue 61 - 2008
Three scenarios for the Lisbon treaty
01 August 2008
Eurosceptics make a good point when they argue that the EU should concentrate on external challenges like climate change, energy security, migration and global trade. But Ireland’s vote against the Lisbon treaty means that the EU now has to devote more time and energy to sorting out its rules and institutions. Those who urge the EU to look outwards but celebrate the Irish No are inconsistent and hypocritical.
A new European mercantilism?
01 August 2008
Europe’s economic liberals have had a successful ten years. There have been protectionist pressures throughout this period, of course.
The next US president should forget the League of Democracies
01 August 2008
Expectations of a transatlantic honeymoon after the US presidential election are absurdly high. Most Europeans are enjoying the giddy delights of Obamamania, while also thinking that John McCain would do a lot better than the despised George W Bush.