Bulletin Issue 111 - December 2016/January 2017

A wake-up call for liberal Brexiters

Simon Tilford
22 November 2016
Trump's win has further weakened the liberal case for Brexit. Forging the closest EU ties possible is now even more essential for Britain.

Plugging Britain into EU security is not that simple

Camino Mortera-Martinez
22 November 2016
Plugging the British into EU police and judicial co-operation will not be easy. And the UK will probably end up with less generous deals than the ones it has now.

Does 'America First' mean EU defence at last?

Ian Bond, Sophia Besch
22 November 2016
The election of Donald Trump as the next president of the United States puts European security at risk.
22 November 2016
Issue number 
Ian Bond, Sophia Besch, Simon Tilford, Camino Mortera-Martinez