Schwarzenegger to check out the Russian Silicon Valley
"It depends how you define success," deputy director at the Centre for European Reform Katinka Barysch told The Moscow News. "If the government thinks it will create the physical infrastructure for international business then I think that yes, given how much money they have thrown at the project, it will be a success. But if you define success as having a contribution to a wider economy and to a more hi-tech economy then I'm very skeptical." The "dinosaur" administration is likely to smother innovation and cutting edge facilities at Skolkovo are unlikely to make a difference, "unless you have market forces which force you to take things to a higher level." Barysch pointed to the experience of the Soviet car industry: "You import from the US and build a plant and then by the 1990s you are still building the same cars because there is no pressure to improve the same product".