CER/demosEUROPA forum on 'Europe's new leaders in a world of crises: What priorities?'
Public debate: Europe’s new leaders in a world of crises: What priorities?
With: François Heisbourg, chairman of the council, International Institute for Strategic Studies
Claudia Major, deputy head, International Security Division SWP
Gideon Rachman, chief foreign affairs editor, Financial Times
Pierre Vimont, secretary general, European External Action Service
Warsaw Forum on Europe’s foreign policy agenda
With a keynote speech by Radosław Sikorski, minister of foreign affairs, Poland
Other speakers included:
Oleh Rybachuk, former deputy prime minister, Ukraine
Wojciech Zajączkowski, former ambassador, Embassy of Poland, Russia
Richard Youngs, senior associate, Carnegie Europe
Nathalie Tocci, deputy director, Istituto Affari Internazionali
Hans Binnendijk, SAIS Center for Transatlantic Relations
Steven Everts, adviser on EU-ASEAN and ARF, European External Action Service
Marjut Hannonen, member of the cabinet of Commissioner Karel De Gucht, European Commission
Anne Marie Le Gloannec, senior research fellow, SciencesPo
Roman Kuźniar, advisor, office of President Komorowski
Jiří Schneider, senior fellow, Prague Security Studies Institute