Bulletin issue 66

Issue 66 - 2009

Protectionism and the economic crisis: So far, so good?

Protectionism and the economic crisis: So far, so good?

Philip Whyte
01 June 2009
For much of the year, the spectre of the 1930s has loomed large over the global economy.
UN flag

The EU should do more to support UN peacekeeping in Africa

Richard Gowan
01 June 2009
The EU likes to highlight its commitment to tackling failed states, addressing humanitarian disasters and bringing order to unstable regions.
Euro dollar

Winners and losers in the new geopolitics

01 June 2009
Both the global economic crisis and the arrival of Barack Obama are transforming the geopolitical landscape. But how exactly is not yet apparent.
29 May 2009
Issue number 
Charles Grant, Philip Whyte, Richard Gowan