Launch of 'Learning from CBAM's transitional phase: Early impacts on trade and climate efforts'
Aslak Berg, Research Fellow, Centre for European Reform
Elisabetta Cornago, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for European Reform
Pedro Gazzinelli Colares, Head of the Trade Section, Mission of Brazil to the European Union
Vicente Hurtado Roa, Head of Unit, CBAM, Energy & Green Taxation, Directorate-General for Taxation & Customs Union, European Commission
The EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism is a first-of-its-kind policy, aimed at levelling the playing field on carbon prices applied to heavy industry and electricity generation across jurisdictions. It is expected to incentivise the EU's trade partners to invest in industrial decarbonisation, bringing down emissions from manufacturing. Which impacts can we observe on global trade policy and climate policy efforts one year into CBAM's transitional phase? In particular, what are the implications for emerging economies, from Brazil to India?
This event launched 'Learning from CBAM's transitional phase: Early impacts on global trade and climate efforts' by the Centre for European Reform's Aslak Berg and Elisabetta Cornago.