CER/Delegation of the EU to the UK discussion on 'Expanding Horizons: 20 years of EU membership - paving the path for future EU enlargement'
Introductory remarks: Pedro Serrano, EU Ambassador to the UK
Amelia Hadfield, Head of Department of Politics & Founding Director, Centre for Britain & Europe, University of Surrey
Simona Leskovar, Ambassador, Embassy of Slovenia, London
Anand Menon, Director, UK in a Changing Europe
Chair: Ian Bond, Deputy Director, Centre for European Reform
This year marks 20 years since the EU's 2004 enlargement, which saw ten new member-states join the European Union. Now, the Union is poised to enlarge further, with European leaders agreeing in December last year to launch negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova. This discussion reflected on the successes of enlargement, on its challenges, and took stock of what future rounds may mean for the EU's institutional architecture.