
BBC News: EU, Germany and the vaccines

Christian Odendahl
29 January 2021
"It's about boosting the supply of the vaccines, and quickly. [...] This is the richer countries' job, and I think that's where the EU's strategy fell short" Christian Odendal, chief economist of the Centre for European Reform told BBC News.

BBC Radio 4 - The World at one: Brexit problems with new trading arrangements

Sam Lowe
14 January 2021
Sam Lowe a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to Sarah Montague about the teething problems and costs of the new trading arrangements (from 28.30 mins).

Encompass Podcast: Geopolitics in 2021

07 January 2021
Charles Grant spoke to Paul Adamson about likely trends in geopolitics in 2021.

Parliament: Future Relationship with the European Union Committee

Sam Lowe
06 January 2021
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform gave evidence on the progress of the negotiations on the UK's future relationship with the EU.

Trade Talks: What’s in the new EU-UK trade deal? Brexperts explain

Sam Lowe
03 January 2021
The EU and UK announce their long-awaited trade agreement formalizing Brexit. What is covered, and what is still to be negotiated. Featuring Alan Beattie (Financial Times), Emily Rees and David Henig (European Centre for International Political Economy), Sam Lowe (Centre for European Reform), Anna Jerzewska (, and Anand Menon (UK in a Changing Europe).

Cambridge Radio: Roundabout with Tony Barnfield

31 December 2020
Chris Bradbury talks to Tony Barnfield about his Fenland Symphony, while Selwyn College alumnus Charles Grant, Director of the Centre for European Reform, talks about the Brexit deal and the UK’s future relationship with our continental neighbours.

Euronews: Brexit foreign policy

30 December 2020
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the CER spoke to Euronews about UK-EU alignment and potential divergence on foreign policy after Brexit.

Bloomberg: Brexit marks rupture but issues won't disappear: Lowe

Sam Lowe
30 December 2020
In this week's episode of The Brussels Edition we look into the details of the Brexit trade deal after a last minute accord avoided a hard exit. While the deal does mark a point of rupture, it leaves details hanging that could cloud the City of London's outlook and keep both sides locked in talks for years to come as the deal gets implemented. That's according to Sam Lowe, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform. He spoke to Bloomberg's Maria Tadeo in Brussels.

BBC News - Business daily: Brexit talks continue ahead of likely deal

24 December 2020
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform spoke to Business Daily about the ongoing Brexit talks.

FT Podcast Payne's Politics: Time running out for Brexit trade deal

Sam Lowe
12 December 2020
With negotiations on a Brexit trade deal between the UK and EU stalled again, and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson warning of a no-deal outcome, can the process be salvaged? Plus, with the Brexit arrangements for Northern Ireland resolved this week in a new protocol, has the threat of a...

Bloomberg - European Close: Brexit and the recovery fund

11 December 2020
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform spoke to Bloomberg about the recovery fund resolution and his fears that Europe will struggle to fill Angela Merkel's role as mediator when she stands down next year.

Times Radio: Irish border

Sam Lowe
08 December 2020
Sam Lowe spoke to Jon Pienaar about why he's hopeful the tone of UK-EU talks will change now the Irish border management question seems to be settling down.

Channel 4 News: Boris Johnson in direct talks with EU as deadline looms

08 December 2020
"The British still seem to think that if only they can talk to Merkel or Macron the governments can lean on that silly Mr Barnier to be more flexible, when in fact it's the governments that are pushing Mr Barnier to be less flexible in many ways,

BBC Radio 4 - Today Programme: Brexit talks

Sam Lowe
07 December 2020
Sam Lowe a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to Nick Robinson about the UK's choices: either accept tariffs on day one, when there isn't a deal, or risk them being imposed in future if it breaches commitments.

BBC News: Brexit: PM talks with EU chief

Sam Lowe
07 December 2020
Sam Lowe, senior research fellow at ther CER spoke to BBC News about why the UK's provisional willingness to remove some Internal Market Bill clauses could spell good news for a UK-EU trade deal.

BBC Radio Scotland: Brexit talks - trade deal?

Sam Lowe
07 December 2020
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the CER, spoke to BBC Radio Scotland this lunchtime about why we should be realistic about what a UK-EU trade deal can achieve, but the importance of one nonetheless.

Sky News: Brexit talks - EU sources say UK and EU have made "significant progress"

Sam Lowe
07 December 2020
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to Sky News about the ongoing Brexit talks (from 06.32am).

CISAC Stanford: Russia's challenge to the West: A British perspective

01 December 2020
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform spoke to Stephen Pifer, about Russia and the UK.

Deutscher Bundestag: Experten befürworten Mehrheitsentscheide in der GASP

Sophia Besch
23 November 2020
Sophia Besch a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform gave evidence to the Bundestag Committee for European Union Affairs, on qualified majority voting in EU foreign policy.

BBC Radio 4 - The Week in Westminster: What is going on with Brexit talks?

21 November 2020
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform argues that the political imperatives affecting Boris Johnson are compelling enough to reach a compromise in the next few days, but it's not certain (from 18: 46 mins).